Chapter 13

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Gianna's POV:
It's Friday today, that means that we have 2 more days until the competition. I have decided that the easiest thing to do will be to tell the girls apart from Maddie about Mackenzie and tell them to not tell Maddie. Because it will be easier to keep it from 1 person rather than 9 people!

Then I thought, why don't I only tell the people who need to know, so I got Kalani, Nia, Kendall, Jojo and Paige to come down into the kitchen and I said to them "Right, I called you 5 down here because it is about Mackenzie. She has woken up and should be good to compete on Sunday, but do not tell the others. Especially don't tell Maddie, I am going to get Kenzie from the hospital on Sunday morning and bring her to the competition. You guys will already be there getting ready. But, you need to act surprised when we come in, so that the others don't know that you know. I just figured it would be easier to have some of you know and you 5 dance with her. So keep the dances the same. Okay?"

Then Nia said "But, what are you going to tell Maddie about her duet?"

I replied with "I'm going to tell her that I got her a duet partner who has learnt the dance and she will be coming on Sunday to compete it with her."

Paige said "That's good Gianna. Good thinking."

The others agreed then I said "Right, go and get dressed and then come back down for breakfast with the others."
Then they went to get dressed and I started making breakfast.

After breakfast

Right now, we are on our way to the studio and there is a certain buzz in the cars because there is at least 1 person in each car who knows about Mackenzie and they are not allowed to tell anyone. So, Paige and Jojo can't speak to anyone in their cars about it. Nia can talk to Kalani and Kendall about it but they have to make sure that Brooke and Kelly don't hear, but that isn't hard because Brooke sits in the front and Kalani, Kendall and Nia sit in the back. 

At the studio

When we arrived, I said "Right, it is 9am so, into Studio A for group, everyone else in Studio B, practising your dances. Maliboo in Studio B as well."
Everyone put their things away and went where they needed to be.

Studio A

"Right, first off. Well dome for being able to keep quiet about Mackenzie. I know that must have been difficult for you. So, if you need to talk to an adult about it, talk to me or Christi. Nobody else! Got it?" They nodded. So I said "Right, so let's get started on this group then."

1 hour later

"Good. Nia, stay here. You 3 can go. Can you get Paige to come in here please."
So they went and Paige came in and I said "Right, so this is still a trio, you will just be practising it without Mackenzie. So let's get started."

30 minutes later

"Looking good. Can you get Maddie, Chloe and Brooke to come in please." They nodded and left. Then the other 3 walked in and I said "Right, let's work on this trio then shall we?" They nodded so we started.

30 minutes later

"Good work. Chloe stay in here. Maddie, Brooke you can go. Can you get Paige to come in here please." So they went and Paige came in and I said "Right, Broadway Blondes. Let's work on this duet then. Show me how it looks please."
So they did their dance and it looked good. So I said "Looking good, but it needs more partner work, so let's try......"

30 minutes later

"That is much better! Can you ask Maddie to come in please." So they went and Maddie came in and I said "Maddie, I got you a duet partner so that you can still do your duet, but she can't get here until Sunday but she knows the routine. So let's practice your part of the dance and she knows the other part. Okay?" She nodded and did her part of the dance and I made some changes.

30 minutes later

"That's looking good. Do you want to work on your solo now?"
She nodded so we worked on her solo.

30 minutes later

"Looking really good. Can you ask Brynn to come in here please."
Brynn came in. Followed by Maliboo. Brynn noticed and said "She hasn't left my side all day Gianna. Can she stay in here. Please!" I said okay and got Maliboo to stay out of the way while Brynn worked on her solo.

30 minutes later

"Good job Brynn. And well done Maliboo for staying out of the way. You can go now. Can you ask Kalani to come in please." Brynn nodded and went to the door and Maliboo noticed and followed her. I laughed at the dog, I figured that she would be with Maddie, but she's staying with Brynn the whole time! Then Kalani came in so I said "Right, Kalani, let's see this solo of your then."

30 minutes later

"That's really good Kalani. Do it like that on Sunday and you are looking good for winning!" Then she went and I went to my office and looked online at the competition and I saw that the ALDC are not competitive and my first thought was Ha! We scared Abby. She doesn't want to compete against us because we will beat her again!" Then I went into the Dancers Den to see all the girls sitting in groups. Maddie, Chloe, Brynn and Brooke were sitting on 1 side playing with Maliboo. While Nia, Kendall, Kalani, Jojo and Paige were on the other side talking and I think I know who they are talking about - Mackenzie - I decided to leave them alone. But before I left the room I said "There is Subway on its way." I got a bunch of different noises from the girls as responses and I giggled and went to my office and ate my fruit salad that I brought with me from home.

I spent my lunch thinking about Mackenzie. She must be so alone in the hospital. I decided to ask Christi if she could go and check on Kenzie for me, because she knows about her being awake now.

She said of course she will. So as soon as she finished her lunch she left. She told Kelly that she had some errands to do.

2 hours later

It's now 3:30pm and Christi just got back from the hospital. She came into Studio A while I was working on the group and said "Gia, can I speak to you." So I said "It's fine. These 4 know about Mackenzie." Then she said "Right. So, I went to the hospital and I spoke to the doctor and he said that Kenzie has medication to take, and she is responding well to it and she is good to leave the hospital on Sunday."

The girls were so happy. I replied "That's great news! Thank you so much Christi."

Then we continued working on the group and the other dances until 6pm when we left to go home and have dinner and go to sleep.

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