Chapter 7

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Gianna's POV:
Today is the last day to practice before a very busy day tomorrow; we have competition and it is Mackenzie's birthday and she doesn't even know it. But she is going to be 7 years old. I woke up with my alarm going off, I looked at the time and it was 7:30am, so I went downstairs to make breakfast, I made blueberry pancakes and then went to wake everyone up, I started with Brooke and worked my way down in age. After we all had breakfast, I said to them "Right, you all have 20 minutes to get dressed and be back down here ready to go to the studio." They all ran upstairs to get ready.

20 minutes later

The girls are all back downstairs waiting to go. I got all my stuff together and said "Come on then, to the cars. Same as usual." The usual is Maddie, Chloe and Paige in Christi's car. Nia, Kendall, Kalani and Brooke in Kelly's car and Mackenzie, Brynn and Jojo in my car. Because we don't all fit in 1 car. So, we got into the correct cars and made our way to the Studio.

At the Studio

We got to the studio and I said "Right, put your stuff in your lockers and then come into Studio A."

I put my bag into my office and then went into Studio A and waited for the girls to come in. They came in a couple of minutes later and I said "Right, competition is tomorrow and it's important because I looked online and Abby is going to be there! They don't know that we are going to be there because all it says is GMDC and I told the competition director not to tell anyone who we are because of possibly not being able to stay open. They agreed with that, so we have a slight advantage. But, I also saw what dances Abby has dancers in and she has got dancers in every category that we have dancers in. So the pressure is on! So, today, we are all staying in here and we are going to watch each other's dances and help each other to make our dances the best they can be! Okay?" They nodded so I said "Right, so we will start with the group, so all of you can stretch while I cover up the mirrors." After the mirrors are covered, "Right, so Kenzie, Paige and Jojo go and sit in front of the mirrors and continue stretching while you are watching. The rest of you, get into your starting position."


It's now 3:30pm, and we have so far, only gone through the group and the trios and had lunch because I have made the girls break down their dances to make their dances look the best they can. Now, we are going to go through the duets and then the solos.


It's now 7pm and we have gone through every move of every dance and they look great! I have a great feeling about this competition. I'm just nervous about what Abby is going to say when she sees us.

The competition starts at 9am, so I'm going to make sure we are there from 8am, so that we don't see the ALDC until the actual competition starts.

Right now we are heading home so that we can get ready for competition and have dinner.

For dinner, we had Fish and Chips. It was lovely. We brought it from the local Fish & Chip shop because none of us wanted to cook tonight.

After eating

Now, it is 8:15pm and I told the girls and Christi and Kelly that we are leaving here at 7:15am because it takes 45 minutes to get to the competition. They all said "Okay."

Then I said to Maddie "Can I speak to you please."

So she came to me and we went into the kitchen to talk.

G - Gianna
M - Maddie

M: What's up?
G: We need to talk about tomorrow.
M: Okay.
G: I know it is competition but we need to make this day as much about Mackenzie as possible! So, I am going to wake up at 4am and decorate the whole house, apart from the bedrooms with balloons and other decorations and I have a big banner that says HAPPY 7th BIRTHDAY MACKZ that I am going to hang up in the living room.
M: That's a really good idea. I spoke to the girls about singing Happy birthday to wake her up and they loved the idea. And Brynn promised not to mention anything to her tonight about her birthday. She said she will only mention competition.
G: That's good. We want her to be surprised!
M: Yeah.
G: Okay. So, I will wake you up at 4:45 and we can wake the others up at 5am and then we can sing Happy birthday to Kenzie to wake her up at 5:30am and then we can all go downstairs and have breakfast and Kenz can open her presents and then we will get ready to leave. That sound good?
M: That sounds wonderful!
G: Great. Well, it's getting late. Why don't you go and get ready. Don't tell anyone about what we said in this conversation. This stays between the 2 of us! Okay?
M: Okay Gianna. Love you.
G: I love you too. Goodnight.
End Conversation

And then the girls went up to their bedrooms to get their competition bags sorted out and then they went to sleep because it's a big day tomorrow.

A/N - Sorry for this being a short chapter. I promise the next one will be longer.

- Katie.

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