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*seth pov*
Jake and I had been guarding the perimeter of the house but we had taken a break by sitting on the steps. "What about sorina?" Carlisle asked suddenly behind us. "I told her to wait in her house I was planning on going once the sun went down." I said sadly missing my angel. Suddenly Leah burst out of the trees. "Leah I don't need a sitter anymore!" I shouted. "Yea well you might need one." She said as Edward walked out he was reading her mind and he winced and looked at me. "Why?" I asked. "Sam is holding her hostage until you return to the pack" Edward said. "No. No no! I thought Sam would keep her safe! I have to go to her!" I shouted. "Wait here this is from her. I managed to see her before I came here." Leah said handing me a piece of paper tied with a maroon ribbon. "Dearest Seth. By now you know I'm prisoner in a place I had felt safe. Don't come for me it's what they want. See out protecting Bella. She is still the key to jakes happiness. Come back soon. I love you, sorina." I read. I held it to my nose and her soft smell calmed me. "She always knows what to say." I said as jake read the note over my shoulder. "I just wish she could see just how Bella is key to my happiness if she's chosen the vampires." I heard Jacob mutter. "That even I cannot tell you her mind is like Bella's but much more smooth. And her defenses are impeccable and improving." Edward said and I smirked knowing that my imprint prided herself on her mental shields protecting her from "pesky mind readers". "Yea well I don't care but I can't go back I'm with you guys but I do know that they plan on attacking soon." Leah said I nodded before standing and shifting and started out for the perimeter of the house which I had noticed briefly earlier went right along the edge of sorina's land. I paused and looked at the house which still held warmth and laughter. I walked into the house after unlocking it with the spare key she had given me but it just seemed empty. There was light and laughter but it feel suffocating without her there. I sat on her bed and grabbed one of the numerous blankets she had laying around and held it to my nose. It smelled just like her. The light smell of her lavender lotion and mint body wash. I folded it up neatly and took it back with me as we were staying at the Cullen's until this whole thing was over.

Once upon an imprint (a Seth Clearwater fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now