Ch 13

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*sorina pov*
Today I was finally going to meet the vampires. I guess there was a rouge after Bella and of course Jacob had gotten the pack in on it. "You ready sora?" Seth asked as I tugged on a warm jacket. "As I'll ever be. I don't want you to fight Seth. I don't want vampires in my messed up life." I said glancing at the picture of my family on the bookshelf. "Don't worry. I won't let them hurt you and I will be safe. Now come on. The pack is waiting." Seth said pulling me out of the house. He shifted and I road on his back. As the only imprint going the pack formed a circle around Seth and I. Leah giving me a look as we had become close friends after her fathers death. As we neared the clearing everyone fanned out along one side and I slid off Seths back. "Welcome! Jasper has experience fighting newborns and will be teaching us." The older vampire there said gesturing to a decent looking man beside him with sandy brown hair. "New borns are physically stronger so never let them get their arms around you and never go for the obvious kill. They are expecting that." The man jasper said before they started showing off their skills. I was impressed but did notice that Bella and Jacob were together again. I rolled my eyes and emerged from Seths side making the wolves all look at me. "If I may? Who are you all?" I asked from on top of the outcropping Seth had chosen. This made everyone stop. "Who are you?" The first man asked. The dark haired one that went to Bella went to speak but I glared at him. "I am who I am and who I will always be. I know about vampires and shifters. And others lurking in the shadows. My last name is stonewolf." I said crossing my arms as I  felt someone ruffle with my mind. "And whomever has the mind reading ability best stop." I replied unknowingly tossing up a shield. "Edward behave. Sorry about my son. He's curious. I am Carlisle. This is my wife esme and our children, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, jasper , and Edward." He said pointing out each one in turn. "Stone wolf though sounds familiar. Were you perhaps related to a Frederick?" He asked making my eyes glisten. I heard Seth behind me growl lowly. The other wolves looked ready to fight and Sam looked at me questioning. "He was my papa or grandfather." I said before collapsing to my knees.  "Carlisle better start talking or the wolves will attack. She's part of their pack." Edward said. "My dear I'm sorry for the loss he was a great man who did much for his family. Eye seekers are rare but he protected his clan fiercely last I had known he only had three daughters." Carlisle said calmly trying to keep peace. "I am the eldest grandchild of the youngest daughter. And the last of the line." I said strongly. "Your powers are just awaking. Mind shields are beginners work. I will send my books with Bella next time. I can tell you have much to explain to the pack." With that they left

Once upon an imprint (a Seth Clearwater fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now