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*few months later*
It was months after the. Battle with the vampires and all was going well. Besides the fact Bella had married the vampire and Jacob had run off. I looked at Seth who was the most concerned about jake. "You know he will be fine?" I asked sitting on my bed. "Yea but what if she comes back a bloodsucker? And he has to destroy her?" Seth asked flopping down beside me. "I know he won't. I don't know how but I can tell he will have a happiness that will only come from Bella but is not her." I said placing my hand on his. It was raining outside not unusual for the area but I could sense a being. "Great a water deamon just what we need!" I exclaimed getting up and going to my door. Seth followed me and I opened the door to see a girl dripping wet. "Yes water deamon?" I asked cautiously. "You are the last my cousins from the east remember you. They send warning that the fire deamons are coming for you. To wipe out the very last eye seeker. There are no other clans all destroyed. Be wary young one." The deamons said in her watery voice. "Thank you kind one. I will prepare for any attack but I hope you will provide sanctuary for a year or so?" I asked. "Fire does rarely come here. The Northern Territory is our own do not worry. You will be warned if they break through." She said before fading away. I closed the door and Seth wrapped his arms around me. "I can't loose you sorina." He whispered. "Don't worry they won't take me easily. The eye seekers are kind people we have a bond with those of water, earth, and air. Fire always resisted." I muttered.

We were resting on my bed once more taking comfort from each other. I had hoped I could escape the past and stay here forever with Seth. Suddenly there was another knocking on the door. "Now what!"Seth said rolling out of bed and stomping to the door. I followed but peaked out around the doorframe. "Come on Seth, Sam is calling a meeting they are back jakes back as well and it's not good." I heard quill say. "Let me get my shoes and coat." I said with a sigh. Grabbing my outdoor shoes and my coat and walking out. "Sorina it could get violent." Seth said. "I'm going." I said firmly before we went to sams place.

Once upon an imprint (a Seth Clearwater fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now