Chapter Three - Remelia DonIvan

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Chapter three - Remy

I told Flo that Binks, her new little fluff ball, would have to live with me until we broke the news to her mom. I hadn't exactly asked permission to buy him but I could never say no to Flo. I was an only child growing up so I never had younger siblings. I'll admit, Flo's mother and I had hooked up on several occasions. But neither of us wanted a relationship. We just weren't built to be together. Danika was definitely the marrying type of woman but I couldn't bring a kid into my world. Danika knew who my father was. Of the course of the past two years, Danika had patched me up and removed bullets on my kitchen table more than once.

I was weary just baby sitting. Any of my father's/my enemies could follow me and shoot up the place. Pierre kept that from happening but you never really knew. Danika trusted me with her life though. I first met her when she moved in two years ago. I heard yelling and screaming coming from out back. I ran outside and found a large white man beating the shit out of her. I pistol whipped him and proceeded to whoop his ass with my desert eagle while Danika landed a few good kicks to his head. He never came back. Later on I felt bad because she told me that he was Flo's dad. I took it upon myself to take care of them after that. They were my little slice of normality.

I went upstairs and changed into a white tank top, a black Gucci button up, which I wore open, and a pair of black joggers. I finished it off with a pair of black Nike AF-1's and a black Phillies snapback. I looked fresh and I smiled as I thought about Awyren. Was she feeling me? Because I damn sure was Feelin' her. I put on my jewels and made my way back downstairs. Flo was watching SpongeBob SquarePants so I let her finish the episode, going out back to light up a spliff and get high.

I know what you're thinking, how you babysitting somebody's kid and getting high? But check this, I haven't been sober more than a few hours since I was 15. It keeps me centered, focused. Growing up with ADHD and parents who REFUSED to pump their child full of chemicals, I had to find something to help me out in school. I generally liked school but I was smart and got bored easily, not a good combination. One day a girl I was fucking with told me I should smoke a joint so I wasn't so hyper. I took her advice and we smoked up for my first time.

Damn I didn't know that I could calmly sit through a two hour movie without getting up 15,000 times because my body was full of energy. Call it what you wanna call it, image fucking pothead. Soon, I started smoking every single day. I would smoke a joint before school, smoke a joint on lunch in the senior parking lot with my gf at the time, and smoke all night long until I was ready for bed. Sleep started to come easier and I no longer went two to three days without it. Weed just kept all the crazy in my head at bay, kept it calm and peaceful. My impulse control disorder even slid into its own lane. It was easier to stop and think of the actions vs. consequences before I made mistakes that I couldn't fix.

When my parents found out, I was terrified. I mean if you saw my dad you would be scared too. I had been home alone one day, I was 16 and my mom and dad had flown to Miami on business. My dad's sister, Sloan, stayed with me because I had school and my dad wouldn't let me miss it. Education was a very big deal to him. But what he didn't know, or maybe he did and didn't want to admit it, was that Aunty Sloan was a hoe. I pretty much took care of myself because she was never even home. My dad was a business man, he scheduled everything. Sloan knew when he was calling and would make herself present. It gave me freedom so I never said shit.

Long story short, the meeting didn't go well and in a fit of rage, my father had laid hands on some people. Him and my mother came home early and unannounced. I was laying on my bed, spliff in hand reading material for my midterm when my father burst into the room, his face twisted in anger. I nearly swallowed the spliff as I jumped to my feet in surprise. The joint shook viciously as he snatched it out of my hand and examined it. My mother appeared beside him and tears formed in my eyes. I had only ever received ONE ass whoopin' from my father and that was all I needed. Her eyes widened and her hand went to her mouth. My heart beat quickened and my buzz started to disapate.

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