Chapter Five - Remelia DonIvan

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    I had been seeing Awyren now for about two weeks. I had to admit, shit was good. She wasn't like other girls. She gave me my space, she gave me her 100% trust. She didn't question me if my phone rang and I left the room, although I did get a quizzical look. I just wasn't ready to tell her about my family. It had only been two weeks. Whenever she brought up the topic, I told her they were alive and well and changed the subject. She didn't pry and I appreciated that.

   She told me about her life, it was something that she didn't hold back from people. She had a rough life. Awyren had been on her own since she was 16, with a baby. She lived out of her car until she was given an opportunity by a kind old woman. That's why she didn't flaunt around or bring people into her life. She was protecting her daughter. Her mother was alive but hadn't tried to contact Awyren since she kicked her out 6 years ago. She told me that she hoped one day they could get past the past but she refused to apologize when she did nothing wrong. I understood that and I respected her a lot more.

   She was a rider if I ever saw one. The fierce loyalty shined brilliantly through her. My mother would absolutely adore her. The thought made me smile. My mom was always asking me when I was going to bring home a nice respectable woman. She heard the rumors that circled around the syndicate about me and other female recruits. She wasn't naive. But she didn't pry. My parents had always been very good about respecting my privacy. That's why I never liked to them. I saw a missed call from my dad and called him back.

“Hey pops! I just saw you called.” I had been at the gym.

“Remelia, what is this I'm hearing about a girl in your life? Have you been seeing someone?” I cringed. Fucking Papi, I knew it was her.

“Pops, who told you this?” I climbed into my car, attaching my Bluetooth before heading home. I was having dinner tonight with Awyren at my place.

“The who is not as important as the why. Why didn't you tell me?”

“Well geez pop, we’ve only been seeing each other for a couple of weeks. She's a girl from my psych class. There are….factors involved. Do you see what I'm saying?”

“What factors? Do you like her Remelia?” I hated that he only used my first name.

“Her daughter.”

“A child?! Well, that is… rather unexpected. You fear for their safety?”

“I haven't exactly told her who I am or who we are. I really do like her. I've liked her for a long time. But I don't know if she can handle this life. She has a child to worry about, her life would constantly be in danger.” I sighed deeply as I pulled into my driveway. “This is why I didn't say anything pop. She means something to me and I just don't know how she will react.”

“I'm still telling your mother. Expect a call because she is going to be peeved Remelia Avery!”

I groaned. “I love you pop. I gotta go, I'll call you later.”

   I hung up and raced into my house. Sasha was sitting on the couch playing on my Xbox. I molly-wapped the shit out of her and she sucked to escape my blows. I punched her in the ribs and she hit her knees. The blows were no longer friendly and playful. I landed a boot to her stomach and she coughed loudly. Before I could land another hit, she rolled away and was on her feet. She grabbed my arms from behind and slammed my chest into the wall. I was panting and struggling but she had the height advantage.

“What THE FUCK is wrong with you?” She screamed panting as well. I knew her ribs were hurting because she was wheezing a little bit.

“You fucking bitch ass nigga! You told my fucking dad about Awyren! What is wrong with you??”

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