Chapter one

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A/N: A picture of how I envisioned Trinity to look. But feel free to have your own opinions.


Trinity O'Brian:

I sighed as I flopped down on my bed, staring at the ceiling of my dark room. I can't believe this is my last night here. In Washington. In Seattle. In the house I grew up in. My parents are dragging me, and my sister Bailey all the way to the middle of nowhere. Specifically, Troy, Montana. Population: 963 people. I mean really, not even breaking to the thousands, how pathetic is that? At least its in the forest, easier to keep my secret and plenty of room to run.

Swiftly I flip off my bed and slide open my window. Our house was on the out skirts of Seattle, and my room faced the beautiful, forest. I could feel my skin buzz with power at the anticipation of the shift. Ducking through the window, I silently slid to the ground. Once again I was thankful my room was on the bottom floor, swiftly I padded my usual route into the trees.

My skin was alive, I could practically feel the moon high above the trees though I could not see it. Faster than humanly possible I striped out of my clothes, and in one step to another I shifted. It was like rippling water where human skin lay, fur flowed, bones reformed, muscle grew stronger and reshaped to my new body.

My wolf was red with a tint of gold dusted acrossed, so in different light the red shifted colors but what really made my wolf unique is the white star on my right ear. I just happened to have the same mark in human form, my birthmark.

The forest was alive with sounds and smells. Most of the night I spent roaming the forest, chasing an occasional rabbit, seeing everything that needed seeing. After all I probably never would again.

Back in my clothes, I hoisted myself into my window with silent precision. I am the only one in my family who could shift, and they didn't know that little fact about me. You see, I was adopted when I was an infant. From some of the research I've done in my spare time, I gather my wolf was inherited from my mother or father because I was obviously not bitten.

Exhausted I laid down on my bed, my bright phone screen proclaimed it was almost four thirty in the morning, at least I would have the long drive to Montana to catch up on sleep.

I was standing in a forest but somehow I knew I wasn't in Seattle anymore. "Trinity" a women called softly from the darkness.

"Hello?" I called back. Even to me I sounded scared. Scared? Scared?! How could I be scared, I was after all the big bad wolf.

But again I heard the voice call my name. I looked up to see a golden wolf with a red and white star on her chest. Who was this wolf? suddenly I remembered past dreams, always different, but always the same female wolf and always she whispered my name.

Could it be that the wolf was my mother? My birth mother?

"Trinny." I awoke with a start, as my adopted mother, Kendra, shook my shoulder, "Trin, baby it's time to get up." I nodded and went for the bathroom.

As I glanced in the mirror I realized I had fallen asleep in my jeans and my Nickelback t-shirt, my dark hair was a curly unruly mess, and there where dark marks under my greenish gold eyes, that spoke volumes about how little sleep I had gotten. After pulling my fingers through my hair, attempting to unknot the snarls without my hair brush which was already packed, finally I gave up and opted for just tying my hair up into a really mess pony tale.

"What time is it?" I mumbled as I stumbled into the kitchen. Bailey looked up at me with wide eyes.

"Wow, you look horrible. Are you feeling okay?"

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