Another Land

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Killua's POV

"Wake up, wake up, Killua."

The voice was calm, not harsh. I slowly stepped closer to the figure, it was tall, and female. She looked like my step mother who died because my mom killed her, well not truly my step mother. But that's what I called her. She put a hand on my cheek, as tears fled her cheeks and onto the black ground. She smiled at me.

"Killua, we're finally together again, huh."

"W-what do you mean?"

"Your dead Killua."


"Yeah, your dead. Everyone thinks your still in a coma. But your dead."

I stood, no emotions, just, stood. I felt tears running down my cheeks. I couldn't even see anyone on Earth anymore? What about (y/n)? What about Hisoka, and who's going to help Gon and Akari? What's going to happen to me?

"Killua, come here."

She walked, shockingly, I followed. She looked nothing like what she did before. When she died, she had many scars, and no left arm, and half of her left leg was missing because of mom. I walked to some kind of window, where we could see, Earth.

"Who do you want to see?"

"I-I want to see how (y/n)'s doing."

She pulled up a keyboard, and looked at me and smiled.

"How do you spell her name?"

"(how you spell your name). I think."

She typed in every letter I said and the screen turned different. I couldn't see because Mina was in the way.

"Here, Killua."

She moved so I could see (y/n), in bed. Crying. I want to go down there and wrap her in my arms, and tell her I'm alright. Does everyone know I'm dead? Does everyone know now? How long has it been. (Y/n) had a plate by her nightstand, and you could see through things, so I could see a couple more plates under her bed. When was the last time she ate?

"Mina. When did I die?"

"About a week and a half ago, everyone still thinks your in a coma."


Your POV

I'm still crying, it's been a week and a half, and no Killua. No Killua, no me. No nothing. I don't want to be here without Killua. But, here I am. Hisoka walked in and sat on the edge of my bad, with a cup of water and another plate, this time with a burger and fries.

"(Y/n), you have to eat."

"I'm not hungry right now. I'll eat it later."

"No you wont."

"I will. Just go away, Ohisima."

"(Y/n). Come on, he'll be okay."

"It's been a week and a half. Probably not."

"Be positive."

"I can't"


"Go away! I never wanted you to come in here in the first place! Just leave me alone!"

I yelled, and with that, he replaced the plate on my nightstand and put the new on there, then left. I still sat in the same position I was in for a week. Was he really going to be okay? Is he dead? Where is he? Why isn't he here with me? Why isn't Akari the one in his position. I'm going to see him. And make up my mind.

- At the hospital -

"Hello there Mrs. How may I help you?"

The nurse at the front desk asked, she was still typing on her huge computer while I was talking.

"S-Sorry. I'm looking for Killua, Killua Zoldyck."

"In room 452. Take the elevator on your right."

I didn't thank her, I left. All I want is to see him, that's it. I don't want anything else. I got upstairs to the room he was in, and knocked on the door, there was a doctor in there so I decided to be polite.

"You can come in."

I went inside to see Killua on a bed, with many machines plugged into him. His eyes close, his body so un life like. It was depressing. I could feel myself cry. The doctor took the papers off the edge of the bed and looked at me again.

"You must be (y/n)."

"Yes I am, how do you know."

"Someone gave us information about everyone he knows."

"Do you know anything about Akari, and Gon?"

"Currently, both of them are in the police department. Police are deciding when Killua wakes up whether to put them in jail or not, in my opionin I think that's where they're heading. Also, both are schedualed to go to 'C.H.B Mental Hospital' on Friday, they're due to stay for 4 months."

I still stared at Killu

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