Let The Games Begin

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Killua's POV

Hisoka, you know she takes her precious time to get to places. Or at all. How are you going to know if she gets hurt huh!? What's the matter with you moron! I even got to the room before her! I walked around the plane, hoping I would find (y/n) somewhere.

"Help! Someone! Ohisima! Killua! Gon! Kurapika-san! Leorio-san!"

This is what I mean Hisoka! I turned the corner and saw three brothers, one holding (y/n) by the throat, the other two giving me a couple smirks.

"Let her go!"

"What if we don't want to."

"Then I'll just kill you!"

I stood there in rage, tears were steaming down (y/n)'s beautiful face. Her tears weren't noticeable due to her pale skin though.

"Who exactly are you?"

"Killua. Killua Zoldyck. Now let her go. If you don't let her go in three seconds you will face the consequences."

The boys now stood in shock, the one in bright yellow still holding (y/n).



The man in yellow let (y/n) go. She ran into my arms the second she could.

"Don't think this is the end of this Killua Zoldyck."

With that the boys walked off. (y/n) was still in my arms, crying. I held her tight. I know she can defend herself, but was she that scared of them? I've never seen her so scared in her life.

"It's okay. I got you."

I tired to comfort her, I stroked her hair and held her tight to me. The announcer finally told us that we reached our destination.

"Are you alright."

"I am now. Let's start the next phase with no surprises like that, okay."

"I can agree with you on that. Don't put yourself in danger like that again, okay."

"Okay. I tried to scream for someone, but nobody answered."

She explained everything as we got to the top of some kind of stone tower.

"Your next challenge is to get to the base of the tower as quickly as possible. As quickly as possible means you will be given a limited time to get to the base of this tower. If not, you will fail the 3rd phase."

Once everyone picked a secret door to go into we all fell into the same room. Gon imminently got up to read the sign on the wall.

"You have chosen majority rule. You may start once everyone gets a wristband."

Everyone took a wristband and started the majority rule. The first one was simple. Press "O" to open the door, press "X" to not open the door. Everyone got along for the remaining parts of the majority rule. We came into an arena type room, with people on the other side of the room.

"You may chose the order you fight in. Each of you must participate in one on one challenges to determine if you pass. If you get three wins, you may pass. If they win three times, you may not pass and will not leave until the time on your wristband runs out. Choose your first opponent."

Gon decided to go first, but to skip time, let's just tell you who won.

Gon won

Kurapika won

Leorio lost

(y/n) won

I won

Leorio had a person who was into gambling. But instead of gambling money, he gambled our time. So we are stuck in a tiny room with a bathroom, living room, and a kitchen for 50 hours. Thanks Leorio.

"This isn't that bad."

"Yes it is Leorio! At this rate, we will only have 8 minuets to get out of here!"

I screamed at him, he's the one to blame if none of us pass. (y/n)'s in the bathroom changing into her bed clothes, Gon's messing with his fishing pole, Leorio is making sushi for everyone, and Kurapika is reading books.

"Oi, Gon."

"What Killua?"

"Let's play Truth or Dare."


"I dare you to knock the book Kurapika's reading out of his hands and call him any kind of name."


After Gon did that, (y/n) came to join us in our game.

"Okay, Killua."

"Alright, dare. Give me a hard one Gon."

"I dare you to kiss (y/n), a real, passionate one."

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