Quick Author's Note

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I'm so sorry! I tried to wright the next chapter but I swear it's not working. I had everything almost done, then everything DELETED! I was so mad and I still am, I'm so upset and angry. But I PROMISE that I will try to wright everything again. Which will be really annoying. Also if you guys want me to wright about a certain thing you can just comment on this A/N (too lazy to type the full thing.) Also you may notice that the story I was working on first called "Criminals" is not there anymore. Do not worry. It's not deleted it is saved into DRAFT.  Hopefully I will have that story completed by January or the beginning of February. Also I'm starting a writing schedule, meaning I will only write on certain days. For this story those days will be Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday (if possible that is just an extra day if I am bored or whatever).

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