Killua's Feelings

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Your POV

Hisoka came up to us and saw Killua carrying me. He gave me a weird look, and then continued to run.

"Maybe you should put me down Killua. My Ohismia gave a an odd look."

"I refuse."

All the sudden we were together, alone. Gon went to go get Leorio and Kurapika. It was just me and Killua. I wanted to be alone with him, but what would Ohisima say? Killua put me down beside a tree and sat beside me. We sat in silence for what seemed like ages. I didn't know how long we were together before I became tired. I laid my head on the back of the tree and used it as a pillow until.....

"Here, are you tired?"

Killua patted his lap. I put my head on his lap, with my face into his stomach. I fell asleep quite quickly actually. I didn't expect that. When I woke up I was in a not dark but dimmed room, with a actual blanket and pillow. Was everything just a dream?

"You awake little one?"

Ohisima! Why did you move me?!

"Where is Killua?"

"Killua? He is "exploring" the ship with Gon. I took you off his hands and brought you here to sleep while I showered."

"Did you get me any clothes?"

"Not yet my dear. You need to get some?"


I didn't mind the wet tights now, I just wanted to find my friends, Gon and Killua.

"Stay put then."

Ohisima went out the door, I sat in silence. I didn't want to disobey my ohisima. But was it really a choice. I have to. I must thank Killua. The door opened as I was still thinking. Killua? How did he find me?

"Oi, (y/n). You awake?"

"Yeah, I'm awake."

Killua sat down beside me. While I was still wrapped in a blanket.

"Hisoka took you from me. I wanted to make sure you were alright. I know he's your brother but I worry about you."

Killua blushed a little and put his hand on my shoulder, rubbing his hand up and down my arm.

"T-t-thanks Killua. Also thanks for letting me use you as a pillow earlier."

"It wasn't a problem. Gon is looking for you as well."

"Where is he?"

"A hallway down from us."

Our conversation got interrupted when Ohisima walked in with new clothes for me.

"Here is your clothes little one. You can change in the bathroom right there."

Ohismia pointed to the back of the room, where what looked like a small room was.

"Yes Ohisima."

I took the clothes from him and went into the bathroom. He got me shoes as well! Ohisima!

I changed out of my pink leather jacket and blue shirt, along with my pink flats and white leotards. Ohisima gave me a red t-shirt with a brown leather jacket, with dark blue navy pants, and some knee high brown boots. I picked up my clothes and almost walked out until I heard the conversation with Killua and Ohismia.

"Stay away from(y/n). She doesn't need anyone else in her life."

"But I love her. From the moment I saw her. You can't control me!"

Killua? Was that his true feelings for me?

"Killua, I don't approve of you. Neither will the rest of the family. I'm sure your father and mother will say the same."

"There my feelings Hisoka!"

"She's my sister."

"You treat her like your her dad. Have you ever wondered if she got tired of that!"

I stood there frozen. I lost mommy and daddy when I was 5, so I relied on Ohisima. I think Ohisima enjoyed taking care of me.

"She may be. But I'm the only thing left for her."

"I want to be there for her! She belongs to people who will protect her. Like me and Gon!"

"Then we will see how she does without me for a weeks time. If she comes to me, you cannot see her again. If she does not, I will allow you two to be together and she may be friends with Gon."

I opened the door interrupting their conversation. Killua looked like he just saw a ghost. Ohisima looked at me in delight, I guess he likes my outfit on me.

"Killua will take care of you for a week (y/n). If you get scared or upset, or anything in-between, come to Ohisima. And he will take care of you."

With that he left the room. Leaving me and Killua alone. Again. Man this is awkward after what I had just heard.

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