Akari's Psychotic Mind

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Your POV

Akari seems nice, but she gives me a weird feeling. Not like, she's going to kill me but, just I don't know, weird. She had the same eye color as my mother-in-law. Who is now dead, and her pink soft, gentle hair reminds me of my step-sister, that is also dead. Akari is beautiful don't get me wrong, just something about her makes me feel like I should always keep my guard up. Like when you see her, it's a preview of a warning sign saying she's toxic or something. I don't know, maybe I'm just thinking random things again.

Akari's POV

That was (y/n)? The girl that broke my Gonny-Wonny's heart? She's not even that pretty! She had the ugliest violent purple hair, while mine is nice, pastel and welcoming. Her eyes are an ugly yellow, like puke almost. She's revolting. Disgusting. Gon did so much better getting with me.

She broke his little heart and turned it into dust, she'll pay for this. Gon's in the shower, but I know he'll agree with my awesome plan. I played with my hair on the coffee table, laying there thinking, will I ever see this girl again. As I play with my hair I hear a knock on the door, I got up to get it and opened the door. And HOLYCRAP! This guy's so HOT.

He has white hair that would probably cover his eyes if he didn't push his hair back, his blue eyes complimenting his pale figure. His eyes are like an ocean, there so amazing to stare into. His so beautiful. I could honestly pull him into the room and lock him in and keep him for myself. Like Gonny-Wonny. Well, were together, but this guy is so hot.

"Are you okay?"

His comforting but deep voice put me out of my thoughts about us. Was he talking? Does he think I'm a psychopath? I don't know, but so handsome. I want to keep him. He will be mine!

"Yeah, fine. Just sleepy. Anyways, what are you doing here?"

"Is Gon here, Akari?"

Oh my gosh! Say my name again, say my name again. So hot. Every word that comes out of him is just so worth listening to.

"Yeah, in the shower. Do you want me to leave a message?"

You better say your name you little handsome.

"Yeah, say Killua came here to tell him thanks. (y/n) and I are doing great again, thanks to him."

Killua. Cute name, cute face, cute figure, it matches.

"Okay, anything else? Or is that all."

"No nothing else. Bye."

I can't let him leave, but then he'll get suspicious. And I have Gon anyways, I shouldn't be messing with other guys behind his back. That would be weird, and a little heartbreaking, and I will not be like (y/n) and break his adorable, sweet, and loving little heart! But, if we were to break up for some weird reason, Killua's mine. Well, maybe I can flirt with him without Gon right? That doesn't mean I'm cheating on him. I need to find him.

I walk outside into the hallway looking left and right, looking for that devilishly handsome Killua.

Killua's POV

I turned around to find Akari looking for something.......or someone. Crap. Hide Killua. I turned the corner to see she hadn't seen me, I waited until she went back into her and Gon's room before I came out. God, that women's psycho. I could see it easily in her eyes, well not the crazy, but that she liked me. I can tell that she was looking for me. What do I tell (y/n)? We just argued, I don't want to almost loose her....again.

She means the entire world to me weather she knows it or not. I was walking back to our room, still trying to make up my mind. If I don't tell her and she finds out later, she'll be so mad. If I tell her now, she'll probably think I like Akari too, then break up with me. That that's NOT and option.

I got to the room to see (y/n) on the couch watching something on the TV, I can't tell what it is but it doesn't matter. I sat down on the couch with her and put my arm around her as I told her the story of me going to Gon's, but I stopped when I said I opened the door.

Your POV

Did he not go to Gon's? He said he wanted to thank Gon and I said go ahead. I knew something was on his mind as soon as he walked into the door.

"What happened after that?"

"What do you mean?"

"Did you tell Gon thanks?"

I looked into his soft blue eyes, and waited for an answer. He opens his mouth, and tells me everything. Him thinking Akari is insane, thinking she's the dumbest person he's ever met, but hten he hesitates. Then tells me the worst thing I've ever heard in my life.

Akari likes him, as well as Gon.

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