Gon And Killua

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Your POV

Everyone was running at a fast pace. I could see my purple hair trying to get into my face. I put it up in a low ponytail as I ran. I was running beside an old man, he looked like he was about to fall on his knees. I was observing his looks until I heard "You little brat! You can't use a skateboard, this is an endurance test!"

"No it's not he just said to follow him."

A boy with black hair and what looked like green highlights or something took place, the boy on the skateboard look confused. And hot! He had gorgeous silver hair that placed in his eyes just a little.

"That is true."

I took charge of the conversation. Hoping the boys would introduce themselves to me. Although a lot of people are scared of me thanks to my brother.

"Oi, what's your name?"

The skateboarder spoke to me, his voice was a compliment to his looks. Naturally. I could already tell he was an assain. His pictures are everywhere. I think this one is Killua.

"(y/n), that's my name."

"It's cute (y/n)."

He just complimented my name. Why am I blushing? I'm not used to compliments, although it is not the best I've heard. My brother gives me better sayings. I continued to run as I talked to these boys. The black haired one was Gon, the assain was Killua. We came to a large staircase when we decided to have a race up at the top. We were running and pushing ourselves to win.

"(y/n), come run with your Ohisima."

I told the boys I would meet them at the top, then slowed down and ran with Ohisima.

"What is it Ohisima?"

"You know not to talk to strangers, little girl."

"Yes Ohisima. But we are friends now. Actually the silver head is really cute."

"Killua Zoldyck?"


"Okay, that's your opinion. Not mine though. I think you could do a lot better than that (y/n)."

We stopped when we had gotten to the top of the staircase into a circle opening. Where I had found the two boys I was running with earlier.

"y/n you made it!"

Gon ran to hug me, Killua looked a little bit irritated.

"y/n are you alright."

Killua looked genuinely concerned for me, even though he shouldn't have to be.

"Yes, that's my Ohisima. He looks scary doesn't he Killua-kun?"

"Yeah, a little."

"My Ohismia is just far more experienced than all of yours."

"You know about my family?"

"Yes, my ohismia told me about your encounter when I was only 7 years old."

We couldn't continue the conversation due to the director telling us our new directions, until someone came around the corner.

"He's not the real examiner!"

I ran to Ohismia. To be honest I was a little scared. Ohisima stroked my hair and shh'd me.

"It's okay (y/n), Ohismia is right here."

The guy explained why he wasn't the real examiner, even though he was. Everyone looked worried and confused. Everyone gave random logics as to why he wasn't the examiner.

"He doesn't walk like a human, that's for sure."

Was the last comment I heard before the guy who started the rumor fell to the ground with my ohisima's cards. And the examiner had them in his hand.


"An examiner is chosen by one of the licensed hunters free of pay. If that guy was the true examiner he would've been able to block my attack."

Ohismia looked between me and all the others who had shocked eyes at him. The examiner warned ohisima, I couldn't hear due to my head buried into him. Ohismia continued to stroke my hair, he picked me up and threw me on his shoulders.

"I can do this on my own Ohisima."

"Okay, the next time you get scared come get me okay?"

"Yes Ohisima."

With that he put me down and I walked toward Killua and Gon.

"Are you okay? Were you scared?"

Killua and Gon asked me at the same time.

"Yes, I'm okay now. Let's do this!"

I exclaimed and put my fist in the air. After the examiner gave the explanation of the next phase we started running in a swamp. Which was really gross. Water was getting all over my pink flats! And now my white tights are ruined!

"This is disgusting!"

I complained to Killua and Gon.


Killua continued to run but threw me on his back. Why was he doing this for me. Dang it, I'm blushing again!

"Are you going to be okay?"

"Yeah, your not heavy."

With that he carried me threw some of the swamp.

Until we saw Ohisima.

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