Chapter 27:

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The blue and red lights flashed as they loaded Eric onto a stretcher. We barely made it up the stairs when Eric had me call an ambulance. His leg was causing him enough pain so we waited in the house until we heard sirens. The police came too and I gave him my account of what happened. Two EMTs went in with two empty body bags and came back out with both full.

I sat on the back of the ambulance while Eric answered the questions for the medical staff. They checked me out earlier I only had a couple bruises and a slight hit to the head. I was the lucky one. My phone rang in my pocket and I glanced at the caller ID. It was Mom. Tears formed in my eyes as I realized what all I had put her through.


“Jessica?” She sounded relieved.

“Mom,” I half laughed half cried. “I’m so sorry about everything… I don’t know what got into me. I love you so much.”

“Aw honey, I love you too! What’s going on? I called to see if Eric had come. He insisted on coming instead of myself. I was going to be the one that came to see you and I told him about it, he was so worried about you, then he made sure I would stay and wait for a phone call.”

“I’m so glad you didn’t come.”

“Why?” Mom sounded offended.

“Don’t take it like that. You’re safe and that’s all that matters. Eric came and I had him leave then James came and took him. He nearly killed him. It’s a really long story.”

“Oh my god! Is he okay? Are you okay? I need to come now!”

“Yes, Mom. We both are fine. James and Evan are… no longer with us though.”

“Did they escape again?”

“No. They’re dead.”

Her breath hitched. “Oh my… His mom will be devastated. How do we explain?”

“We don’t. I’m pretty sure they already made the calls to the families.”

“Where are you? I’m coming!”

“No! Don’t come yet. We aren’t even at a hospital.”

“Where are you?”

“Where they had Eric.”

“Oh. Call me when you get there, Jessica. Or I swear to –”

“Okay, Okay! I will. I love you and will talk to you in a few hours.”

“I love you so much more. Please stay safe until I can get there.”

“Don’t worry, I think the danger is gone.”

“I love you.” Then the phone went silent.

I shoved it back in my pocket and glanced around. They were wheeling Eric to the ambulance. I hopped off the back and stepped aside. He waved at me as they lifted him in. An EMT walked over to me. He looked at me with green eyes the color of emeralds.

“Miss? We’re ready to leave. If you would just sit up in the front.” He looked nice, young too, but I wasn’t going to sit up front. He nervously rubbed his buzz-cut hair.

“Can I sit back with him?”

“You really shouldn’t. We usually only let family sit with them.”

“He’s not dying is he?”


“So I can sit back there?” I batted my eyelashes.

He sighed and glanced back. “Yeah, okay, fine.”

“Thank you!”

I climbed up and sat at one of the chairs by his bed. “What are you doing here?” He asked, looking around.

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