Chapter 13:

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 I shot awake with the echo of his words still in my head. Mine forever. Mine forever. Mine forever. Mine forever. Mine forever. Mine forever. MINE FOREVER. It grew louder and louder in my head. I clasped my hands over my ears and rocked back and forth.

Vehemently shaking my head, I promised myself everything would be okay. James is in jail, he can't get to me. He probably would be stuck for life. Yes, he would be stuck for life and he won't ever get to me.

Time drifted by peacefully until school was staring me in the face, literally. I hardly realized what day it was when Mom woke me up and murmured something about school starting soon. I waved good-bye and let my weight be supported by the crutches.

The weathering bricks of the outside of the school looked as glum as I felt. It was mid-November and the air was cold. It was in the fifties and my hair flapped in the wind. Begrudgingly, I started towards the entrance. The few stragglers loitering around the school stopped to look at me.

She's back.

They stared at me but when I looked their eyes darted back to the person they were with. I knew this was going to be interesting. I would be looked at as a freak. Dr. Piertson and I talked about this, I chose to do it after an extra-long session.

I made it to the front doors and I started to shuffle my backpack so I could get the door handle but a hand shot forward and opened it for me. With a slight smile I turned my face to thank the stranger but stranger wasn't a stranger. Evan.

“Thanks,” I muttered.


I tried to hobble away but he caught up to me with ease.

“Back to school, huh?”

“Of course.”

“We've missed you around here.”

I looked at him with disbelief. The stares in the hallway were the same stares from outside. I felt more like an object on display than anything human.

“I'm sure you did.”

“Where are you headed?”

“What's it matter to you?”

“Just curious.”

“Listen, it's sweet that you are being so nice but... we aren't dating anymore. I'm not your responsibility, you don't need know where I'm going. Thank you but I can do this on my own.”

He looked deflated. “Alright. Well, if you need anything you know where to go.”

I nodded as he turned to sulk away. With a heaving sigh, I walked to the counselors office. The young brunette behind the desk looked up with a smile. She wore a black slacks with a silky teal button-up underneath a blazer. She must have been new, the old counselor never wore anything fancier than a nice shirt and jeans.

“Hi, I'm Jessica Martin.”

“Hi Jessica! I am Ms. Steel. How can I help you?”

“I need my schedule... I'm not new but I'm didn't go here last year. I should still be in the records. My mom called the school last week.”

“Ah yes! I remember now! Let me find your folder.”

She scurried away and headed off to the records room, I assumed. I sat down in the chair. The lavender fabric was rough and uncomfortable. Nonetheless, I missed school. Or rather I missed the normalcy.

Ms. Steel came back with a folder full of papers. “Okay! Let's get to this. What classes are you needing to start in?” She asked while scanning the file.

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