Chapter 9:

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Audrey sat next to the hospital bed holding Jessica's limp hand. The nurse was informing her of Jessica's injuries and what would need to happen to make her feel better. Audrey nodded fiercely muttering, anything to help her, anything.

With tears in her eyes she looked at her daughter's beautiful yet bruised face. Her lips were swollen and her right eye was black. She had three fractured ribs and a broken leg. Nothing too serious. As Audrey looked at her injuries, she felt nothing but hatred for the man that did this to her daughter.

They found Jessica last week deep in Montana in some cabin. After a call nearly a year ago to the police in Florida about a kidnapped girl and the couple who called were found dead, the police traced everything back to this man. Audrey still didn't know his name, but she didn't think she could handle it when she did.

The year without Jessica was the longest year ever. She had to leave that house and rent an apartment in Chicago near the base of the company. She couldn't bring herself to sell the house in case Jessica came back. In all honesty, she almost gave up hope when she received the call last week from the hospital. With tears in her eyes, she hopped on the earliest plane to California.

Jessica was only unconscious because of the medication the doctors gave her, thank goodness, Audrey thought as she looked down at her only daughter. A tear escaped her eye and fell onto the sheets. A little gray circle marked where it fell.

“She will be waking up soon. Jessica is healing remarkably well. The bruises should fade in the next week or so, the more severe ones will take a little longer.” Nurse Morgan continued talking about her condition.

When she finished talking, Audrey muttered a thank you and stared at the lavender wall. She heard the door open and close... twice. Curious, she turned her head slightly and caught a glimpse of Eric.

“How is she?” He asked shyly. He stuck his hands in his pockets and kicked the linoleum with the toe of his sneaker.

“Okay. A few things are broken but she'll heal.”

“Has she been awake?”

“No, they put her under some heavy medications. The nurse said she'll wake up soon, though.”

He sat down at the foot of the bed and nodded. Unlike Audrey, when they found Jessica he had given up all hope of ever finding her again. Audrey called him when she made it to the hospital. He left in the middle of the school day to drive to Saint Francis Hospital.

All they had to do now was wait for her to open her eyes and hope she was still the same, bubbly Jessica that had left them.

I was walking through the cabin, my bare feet padding on the wooden floors. James was speaking with a client, whatever the hell that was. I quickly grew bored of the plain walls of the bedroom and headed to explore the rest of the house. White and green striped walls lined the hallway. I took a left and walked into the study.

A wall of books lined the far wall and the piano sat in the middle, looking very grandiose. I strolled over to the bench and stroked the keys. Mom placed me in lessons as a kid but I was never good enough so I quit. I glanced at the sheet music for Metamorphosis and gave up on deciphering it.

I turned to the wall of books and looked at the various titles. One in particular jumped out at me, Wuthering Heights. I read it once Freshman year. I slipped it out of its place and walked back down the hall. James' voice traveled through the rooms and I couldn't help but listen.

“I told you to pay me months ago!” He was screaming at the poor man.

“I asked you for a little more time!”

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