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My feet pounded against the cement as I ran to my car. They were back again to get me and I couldn't escape. Two pairs of feet followed me. They were just as loud as I was. I ducked behind a trashcan as they ran by. Close one.

Thankfully, I had already opened the garage when I found them in my driveway. They called me, luring me out, but I was already ready to run when they arrived. It still took me off guard. I could hear them talking to each other in my backyard, searching for me. They wouldn't find me there.

I snuck around to my car and started it. No escaping the noise it made. I heard one more yell before I peeled out. One stood in the driveway, staring open mouthed at me, when the other ran up, too. They scrambled for their car as I took one last glance at my mother's bedroom.

I'm sorry, Mom.

I headed out of town straight to I-15. For a while, I had lost them. I had the upperhand, the headstart. But they quickly caught up. The headlights were bright, blinding me as I drove. They were tailing me all the way to the highway, even then.

I tried to focus on the road, tried to see. It was hard. I tapped on the brakes enough to make them slow down a bit. They caught right back up. I had to figure out a way to lose them.

My phone rested in a cup holder I picked it up and used voice control. The voice directed me a turn only two miles away that I could get onto quickly and be lost in traffic.

I was looking down, trying to find the cupholder in the dark. When I glanced back up, the car in front of me was getting closer, rapidly. I barely had time to slam on the brakes when I crashed into the car in front of me. The impact of the car behind me was seconds later.

My last thoughts were of Mom and Eric when my head hit the steering wheel.

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