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I'm just gonna get right to it

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I'm just gonna get right to it. You know the drill; some random story I'm gonna tell. To make this short, my crush's friends were calling me "mommy" and well, my crush "daddy" and they were saying that we were married... O_O then at recess I did something VERY embarrassing. I accidentally spit on my crush. LET ME EXPLAIN! So, everyday at recess, half of my class plays a game we made up called "Jurrastic Park" (pretty sure u spelled that wrong) it's basically tag, but with dinosaurs. We have this base that's kind of like a safe zone where the dinos can't get you and I said I was gonna sacrifice someone and push them out and when I tried, I lost my balance and laughed, but when I laughed I spit. And my crush was right in front of me. Yeah, that's my "wonderful" life.   

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