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You don't need to read this, but I'm just really, REALLY upset right now. I can't deal with this anymore. My sister, and other people in general annoy the living poop out of me. To be honest I wouldn't say that I get annoyed easily, just, I don't know, triggered? Well you get my point. I just feel like I can relate to you guys, the people on the internet, more than the people I know in real life. The reason why I fell this way is because I fear I'm being judged every second. But with people on the internet, you guys can judge me all you want, but I wouldn't really know, because I can't see you. Know what I mean? Anyways back to the main topic of why I'm writing this. So a few minutes ago, I was going into a bedroom (I'm at my grandmother's house so it's not really my room, it's just there) and my sister was already in there. I was going to do my homework, but I told my sister to get out because age was going to distract me. I knew she was going to annoy me, but I wanted to stay in that room anyways because I wanted to play my music. So she kept annoying me and at one point i couldn't take it anymore. I wouldn't say that I have anger issues, but you know when you get so mad you just want to hit something? That anger was me at that time. She's three years younger than me, so it's not like I was beating the life out of her. If you have siblings you know you sometimes (all the time) fight. Well she wouldn't stop saying things like "Oh you have no friends, and all I do is play on the computer!" or things like "Oh you're so stupid and you barley made it in third grade!" stuff like that. The thing about the computer is that, well, yes I know I'm always on it or my tablet, but that's only because I feel more comfortable talking to you guys and any other friends I make on the internet. Now the thing about third grade is, at that time, I had some trouble. I was always a good student and got good grades, up until then. I got my first c in third grade. From there on i started having trouble in school. And no I didn't stay back, and I never went to summer school. It was usually at the end of the year where I apparently nearly passed. Okay so the reason why I named the the title of this chapter "Scratch" is because... Well, look.

My sister scratched me

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My sister scratched me. Sorry if it's blurryface, my camera sucks. So yeah, that's my arm. Poor arm(in). I don't know if this happened before, or after this next part. I acdentlly elbowed my sister in the face. After I did that, she started to cry. That's when I was like "Heck no." I'm just waiting in the room to get in trouble. Whenever it's a little kid they're like "Oh you're older then her and you can't so that and blah, blah, blah!" Look, I don't like resorting to violence, but when I'm really angry I just get that feeling where you just want to hit something. Everyone always says that she just wants to play with be because she's still a little kid and blah, blah, but I don't care! Okay, I'm sorry, but I don't like that kind of stuff anymore! Whenever I do try to do something with her, she never wants to do it! That's why I get so mad to. The thing I usually say what we should do is something with art. I like to draw, so why not have a drawing contest, or I judge her drawings? I always feel like I whatever I like, gets completely ignored by the people I know. Whether, it be at home, or school. I'm sorry for making this to long, but I'll also like to thank those of you how took the tine to read this. Sorry, again that it's to long! Thank you all I love you guys!

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