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 Okay so, I'm a piece of crap

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Okay so, I'm a piece of crap. Sorry for not updating. I've had a bad few days. Here's why...

1. I'm late to school
2. I get a detention for this stupid rule that we have (not about being late)
3. This fricktard aka the guy who wanted to dance with me at the school dance and who "likes" me, insulted TØP again. The kid who started this was only doing it to annoy me, plus he's joking around. I told this fricktard to take it back and he wouldn't. I literally kept saying "Take it back" over and over again. I was dead serious. Then, me saying take it back a hundred times, my crush was starting to get mad. So, I kinda "stopped" saying it.
4. This part isn't actually bad, but at the beginning of the day, at our lockers, me, my crush, and his friend are talking about height and I say to my crush "I'm taller than you" and he goes so close to MY FACE and says "No you're not" I sorta backed up a bit because I was getting so nervous. I'm not usually nervous around people I like, but he was just so close to me!
(Closer by the Chainsmokers ft. Halsey starts playing...)

I forgot all about Tuesday lol even thought it was LITERALLY yesterday

1. My crush got close to my face AGAIN because of the same reason. Height.
2. I don't really remember tbh
3. I hate myself
4. I'm turning (blah) years old...

Tuesday (Again)
1. Lol I remember something
2. In music class we were using tambourines and my crush said "I can be like the Twenty Second Pilot" and I'm just dying.

Lol Wednesday Again/Today
1. I told my crush that I was gonna call him Josh and his friend Tyler
2. I told my crush about Josh
3. I told my crush that Josh is usually shirtless
4. My crush is lifting up his vest
5. I'm dying
6. I'm dead
7. I tell him to stop (before I die from my crushes cuteness)
8. He says he's just kidding
9. I wish he wasn't "just kidding"
10. *Images crush shirtless*
11. ...
12. I'm Dun

So me, my friends and their cousin went trick or treating and we were looking for our other friends in our class because they live where we were trick or treating at and first we found one person and then we were looking for our other friend because he was a hotdog for Halloween. Later on we're in they're friends house or something  and the kid we're looking for comes at the house we're in and we just scream his name. The end. I'm still depressed. Lololololololololol

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