12. Ignition

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The next day, Lhea woke up a bit later than usual. The light haired brunette stared blankly at the painting hung up on the wall opposite her as last night's events replayed in her head. Louis...wasn't being himself, and it worried her. Slowly, she placed a hand on her cheek where Louis kissed and slid it over to her lips, where Donovan had kissed her. A faint blush crept up to her face as she thought about it.

Did her father know about this? Will she be inclined to tell the rest of her suitors when she sees them? How should she act around Louis and Donovan now? She swallowed, her gaze going to her soft silk bed sheets. There were so many questions, and it felt awkward to discuss this with others. After all, her parents would want her to talk more with Nathaniel, and if they found out about her slowly increasing intimate interactions with her childhood friends, who knows how they would react.

Michael also won't be much good either, the boy wanted nothing to do with his family's drama, nor was he interested in the inheritance. Which is why Lhea Harrison, his older sister, was left with the responsibilities of her future household. The girl groaned in frustration as she massaged her temples. 

Just then, someone knocked on her door.

"Miss Lhea? Someone's here to see you...he says his name is Matthew Troy," a maid's said on the other end of the wooden doors. Lhea blinked, the name, Matthew Troy seemed oddly familiar. Was he at the party the other day?

"Miss Lhea? Should I let him in?" the maid asked again, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Huh? Oh, um, just a moment. Give me some time to change first," she said, giving a sheepish smile and got up to go over to the bathroom.

After a while, Lhea had cleaned up and was dressed in a plain pastel pink button-up blouse and black trousers. "I'm done! Is he still there?" she asked, opening the wooden doors a little. The maid, who was waiting while using her phone, shot up, a little startled. 

"Ah yes, he's waiting in the living room," she said. Lhea smiled in thanks and headed off to meet the man.


Lhea entered the living room to see a young strawberry blonde male seated on one of the black sofas, reading a Forbes magazine to pass time. It was the sound of Lhea clearing her throat made him look up from the reading material.

"Ah, Miss Lhea! Wonderful to see you, I hope I didn't come at an awkward time?" he asked after getting up from the seat.

"No, it wasn't. I hope I didn't make you wait long?" she asked, after replying.

"No, don't worry too much. Anyways, have you eaten? I would hate to talk with you when either of us are on an empty stomach," he said. 

"Well, I just woke up 10 minutes ago, so I suppose I should ask my chef to prepare a quick breakfast. Have you eaten yet, Mister Matthew? If you haven't yet, would you care to join me for breakfast?" she asked.

"I just had something quick before coming here. I was in a rush you see. I would love to join you for breakfast, if you don't mind," he said.

With that, the couple gathered in the dining room, chatting while waiting for the chef to prepare their food.

"So, Mister-" Lhea began, before being cut off by the male opposite her.

"Please, let's drop the formalities. I don't think our age gaps are that far apart to refer to each other with 'Mister' and 'Miss'. Besides, calling me by 'Mister' makes me feel a little old, I'm only in my early 20s after all," Matthew said, joking lightly to lighten the mood up a bit. Lhea laughed politely.

"Yes, that's a great suggestion. So Matthew, what brings you here to my humble abode?" she asked, a small smile on her lips.

"Right, before I get to the point, I would like to apologise. I know that you have been burdened with a lot of this marriage talk, and I'm pretty sure that what I'm going to say isn't going to make it any better on you," he began. Lhea sighed, and motioned for him to continue.

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