4. The Unwilling

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Lhea stepped onto the red velvet coloured stage, placing grace and elegance into every movement she made. She took deep breaths before she adjusted the mike, and spoke.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I am Lhea Harrison, future heiress to Harrison Corporations and I would like to thank you all for coming to my birthday party. I am very pleased. So with that aside, the cake, please," she said, gesturing to the waiting chefs by the side.

The chefs nodded and they wheeled the trolley carrying a large cream covered cake decorated with edible flowers of pinks, purples and reds. On top, slices of mango, pears and apples lay on the cream and surrounding the edges, were sliced strawberries and whole grapes. The middle of the cake was decorated with shards of white and dark chocolate inside a circle of strawberry icing, and in the ring of chocolate shards was a single red cherry. If one looked hard enough, they would see a few of the guests licking their lips in hunger.

A chef wearing the signature white coat walked up to the large round cake and placed a two candles, a pair of '1' and an '8' shaped candles in front of the chocolate ring and lit it. At that moment, the hall lights turned off, leaving the stage lights illuminating the hall. Behind Lhea, was, One Direction, much to her surprise. She wasn't exactly a fan, but she figured her father had chosen the most well known boy group to perform, so to allow the audience to have a sense of familiarity with the music being played. A small smile appeared on her lips as she stepped back to watch the performance herself.

The boys began to sing the familiar tune of 'Happy Birthday', ending shortly to let Lhea blow out the candle flame. Cheers and claps erupted throughout the hall and the 1D soon moved on to another song, acting as live background music. Lhea could only hope that her father will pay them well after this whole fiesta was over.

Lhea assisted the butler, not Louis, with serving the guests cake, while every now and then having to say a 'thank you' before moving to the next guest. Everything was going rather smoothly until she came across a particular man who was of rather considerable height. It wasn't his appearance that made an impression on her, but rather, his attitude towards the dessert being served to him.

"Huh, so the little princess is just another servant in her little castle, is she?" the man scoffed. Lhea's business smile slowly faded and she gave a firm look at the man.
"Excuse me?" she asked, maintaining her composure, plastering a clearly irritated, fake smile on her face. The man only ignored her words.
"Hmm...but now when I take a closer look...HAH! You're not bad looking yourself, though it would be expected, being the little heiress and all." Lhea frowned, her hands were still holding on the plate of cake and she was holding back from actually tossing it into the man's chest, but knew better not to. She gave an exasperated sigh before replying.
"Ah, I'm sorry for not sitting aside and letting my servants do the work when there are so many guests and only so little help available. Anyways, sir, if you would, enjoy your dessert, unless you'd much rather let me give it to my friend standing over there, who clearly appreciates food much more than you do," she said, holding out the slice of cake after gesturing to Nathaniel who was halfway through his slice already.

The dark red haired male glanced at the direction she was pointing to and scoffed once more. "You, a Harrison, are getting along with the Skies's son?" he asked in disbelief whilst grabbing the plate away from Lhea's grip. He at least wasn't going to let the food go to another man while he was here.
"And what of it?" Lhea asked, crossing her arms. The man smirked, and shrugged.
"Nothing, nothing at all, Harrison," he grumbled before turning away only to meet the eyes of his older brother and a look of distaste came across his face.

"Oh, look who showed up," he commented. The man in front of him was his brother, Johannes Carlson, and Lhea also knew that, stepping back a little, he looked rather different from the last time she saw the man.
"Ah, you are Johannes Carlson? So this wonderful man beside me must be either Mr. Richard or Mr. Andrew?" she asked, immediately acting polite.
"Andrew, Ms. Lhea. Andrew," corrected the younger male.

Johannes snorted and slung an arm around the two of them. "Haha, glad to know you all are getting along!" earning some glares from the two of them, shaking their heads mentally in disapproval.

The first one to speak up was Andrew who shook himself out of his brother's grip and shot a look at his two companions.

"Well then, if you may excuse me, I have better things to do than stand around all day," he said and walked briskly away. Lhea followed suit, going the opposite direction and to find either Louis, Donovan or Nathaniel to talk to. Either one would do as long as she didn't have to deal with another prick like Andrew Carlson. She thought back to what their mother had said about them, not bad? More like, horrible! Her frown deepened as she walked towards the table, now restocked with more varieties of drinks and foods. She didn't realise it earlier, but the tables were divided into sweet, savoury, liquors and soft drinks and juices, the last one most likely for those below 18.

Just then, she bumped into another person as she fell deep into her thoughts again. Lhea was about to apologise when she noticed who it was she bumped into. Oh gosh, Andrew. again. She held back a tongue click of annoyance as she said sorry. Unfortunately, the older man did not let her leave just like that, holding her back with a tight grip on her shoulder. Internally, Lhea slapped the man, but on the outside, she forced a smile on her lips and asked what the problem was exactly.

"Miss Lhea, surely you don't mean to lose an opportunity such as this, will you?" the man asked, leaning closer. Lhea's dark brown eyes darkened as she noticed Mrs. Carlson standing a little further away, but she was still in line of sight. Lhea sighed and straightened her posture as she looked over the dark red haired man.

"Hm, why not, Mr. Carlson... Also I hope you're not here unwillingly? That would ruin the mood of the party," she said, glancing at the older woman in the distance. It was quite clear that the woman was watching their interaction with each other and it creeped Lhea out. Why in the world, was everyone so desperate to marry their son with her? Andrew's dark green eyes briefly shot over to his father, also standing a little way from them.
"Oh no, no I am not...it seems rather crowded here, don't you think so too, Miss Lhea?" he asked, offering her his hand. Lhea laughed quietly and politely before accepting his hand. The couple then proceeded to head towards the rather convenient glass door leading to the courtyard. Upon exiting the ballroom, Lhea shook Andrew's hand off hers and crossed her arms, facing the man.

"So Andrew-" she began before she was cut off by Andrew.
"Yes, I was forced to be here, but both my brothers were too. Mother wants us to get married and wonderfully enough, you, the heir of the Harrisons who are the Carlson's partner, have turned off age. A perfect business opportunity to get on your father's good side and to strengthen the Carlson influence on the business world! All she has to do, is get one of her three sons to charm the likes of you, and voila! The engagement is set in stone and Harrisons and Carlsons become closer than ever! Mother would have even more power and she'd be able to manipulate the business world to her own advantage!" Andrew exclaimed with sarcasm.

Lhea swallowed the lump in her throat that had formed when Andrew was explaining his mother's plans for success. She knew that her parents were hoping to score a good business tie between their company and another but she didn't think others would be planning this far ahead. Her lips thinned into a straight line as she struggled to find words to respond.

"No words, Harrison? Then I should go, I've said too much," Andrew said and turned around quickly, walking towards the hall. Lhea stared at the spot where he has stood and let out the breath she was holding.

Looks like she's going to have to watch her steps now...

A/N: Wooo, look who finally updated!!!
So sorry for leaving you guys waiting for like weeks and then updating with yet another cliffhanger. I will work on the next chapter throughout this week since I don't have any excuses to procrastinate my work during summer holidays so...

Also I'll be going back to my hometown this August 1-6 so the next chapter won't come out so soon but I will be working on it...as much as I can and hopefully I don't get a writer's block while writing. Love y'all~ >3<

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