8. *Persistence*

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Donovan's P.O.V

I closed the door behind me, letting out a sigh of disappointment. I feel like Lhea's just being distracted by all these other guys surrounding her. If it wasn't for them- I clench my fists at the thought.  I could have had Lhea so much earlier, since I know Louis is just too much of a softy to take action immediately. That boy is too kind for his own good. Sure, he may flirt with Lhea and all, but in reality, he would never take action unless he's pressured into it.

A smirk comes onto my face as I realise that my enemies- rather, rivals, have been narrowed down to two...or three. I can't forget that red head who approached Lily earlier this evening. He seems like another tough one to get off my dear, precious angel's back. I exhale a slow, heavy breath as I carry on, until I feel a hand stop me.

"Donovan, I need to talk to you," a familiar voice states. I grimace, darn. What does Louis want with me?

I turn around, a look of displeasure clearly written on my face as I stare down at him. Louis lets out a sigh before running a hand through his hair.

"Look here, Don. I don't want you upsetting Lhea any more than you already have," he says. I raise an eyebrow in annoyance. Me? Upset Lhea? Unthinkable.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Louis. I would never upset my dear Lhea," I say, confidently. Louis only groaned before shooting a glare at me, probably a warning sign.

"Donovan, if you dare try something on Lhea, I will destroy your chances of ever being able to see or touch Lhea again," he threatened. I merely scoffed. 
"I don't care how long we've been so-called, friends, but watch your steps, Donovan. I will make sure Lhea's safe from your clutches," the man said before turning around, flipping his tailcoat as he walked off. 

A smirk crept up on to my face, how surprising. I didn't think Louis would actually threaten me, with such a weak threat with that as well. I laughed under my breath, like he can stop me. Lhea had been mine ever since I first saw her.

-10 Years Ago-

"Donovan, I'd like you to meet Lhea Harrison. She's my boss's daughter, and I'd like it if you became friends with her," Irvine said and gently pushed the 10-year old boy towards the younger female. Donovan stumbled forward a little before stopping in front of Lhea and looked over the little girl. 

The brown haired girl was wearing a simple pink dress with a cartoon character printed on the front, along with ribbons on the sleeves, her hair was also adorned with pink sparkly tiara brooch and tied up in a high ponytail. With that, she was also wearing sparkly sequinned baby pink flats. The boy narrowed his eyes at the outfit in disgust. 

'Too pink and sparkly,' he thought in his mind. But, something about her...entranced him. The way she looked up at him with her innocent gray-ish eyes, full of intrigue. She then held out her hand and smiled a little.

"Nice to meet you, you're Donovan, am I right?" she asked, slowly, as if trying to make sure she wasn't making any mistakes. He nodded, and shook her hand. It felt so...soft, causing his cheeks to flush a light pink.

"Y-yeah...nice to meet you too...miss," he said and glanced at his father who nodded at him in approval for his actions. Lhea only laughed. Her laugh was so...cute, and feminine...but at the same time, forced. He frowned a little, he didn't want this girl to force herself to be so different. He wanted to know her true self...

"Don, you don't need to address me so formally! It's weird," she said, a pearly white grin on her face. 
"O-oh...then Lhea is fine? W-wait, did you just call me, Don?" he asked, only then noticing the nickname she had used. She paused and blinked.
"Yeah, you're okay with that, right?" she asked. He smiled again.
"Yep, I'm okay with it," he said. The girl smiled even wider. He felt his heart skip a beat, if, if...her smile was only for him, because of him, then... 
Donovan swallowed. After that moment, his longing for her only grew.


I unlocked the door of the pent house I lived in. Unlike Lhea, I chose to live in my own place, away from my parents. Besides, this pent house is a lot nearer to the Harrisons' place than the 3-storey my parents live in. The closer I am to Lhea, the better. Besides, I'll be needing my own place and privacy if I were ever to invite Lhea over...though most of the times she came here, Louis was with her.

I sighed, "One day, Lhea. One day, you will be mine," I smiled, her name felt so good on my lips. It was definite, Lhea is obviously destined to be mine and mine alone. I swallowed as I thought how good it will feel, to hold her in my arms, place my kisses on her skin, mark her as mine. I let out a shaky breath as I look down at my phone screen, my photo gallery opened, pictures of Lhea with me. Yes, some pictures were cropped, from her family gatherings and whatnot, but it was the only way I could bear with being apart from my dear, precious Lily...


The next morning I woke up to the shining morning sun, intensified by the white bed sheets, deeming it impossible for me to actually get some proper rest. I groaned as I pushed myself up and checked the time on my phone. 9:55 A.M, wonderful...I've got a whole day ahead of me if that's the case. 

I could take the time to look around the shopping center for awhile...or, I could see Lhea... a grin spread itself on my lips as I thought of that. Then, I should at least arrange a coffee date with her! Excited, I leapt to my feet and began texting her number.

'Hello, Lhea! Mind if I take you out for coffee?' 

I wrote and pressed send. 10 minutes later, she replied with an unsure answer, as Louis had seen the message and clearly wasn't happy. I gritted my teeth in annoyance, really now? No, I mustn't lose my composure... With deep breaths, I replied.

'Aw, well...you could take Lou along then :)' 

A smiley, to feign innocence, so she won't know how much I hate having Louis around. Guess if she agrees I'll just have to bear with another man's presence during our supposed date. I let out a sigh of disappointment. Can't be helped I guess...some way or another, Lhea will become mine anyways.

A/N: Ay, so it's Donovan's POV! The next chapter is most definitely going to be a normal chapter as it's easier to carry on the story when Lhea's the main focus. Updates may slowly get gradually slower as I have my checkpoint exam next month and I'm going to have to start studying a week or two before the exam date...

School is a pain...=.=

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