10. Negotiations

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Upon arriving at the estate, another butler hurried out to meet the two of them, informing them of an important visitor. At that notification, Lhea felt curious, an important guest...which could only mean that her father arranged this. She sighed, figuring that she shouldn't keep whoever who's waiting, wait any longer. Louis had also insisted that he follow with, saying that as her personal butler, he should be around her as much as possible.

The two entered the meeting room to see a familiar blonde seated on a plush couch, flipping through a sales catalogue. Nathaniel, upon hearing the door open, followed by footsteps and looked up. The man then stood up to welcome the two.

"Ah, Miss Lhea and Louis, nice to see that you're here," the male greeted, giving a slight bow before straightening himself and holding out a hand to shake.

"No need for formalities, Nathaniel. I'd just like to know what brings you here," Lhea said and Nathaniel smiled a little wider.

"Yes, I should get right to the point. Also, Louis, you may sit in on this, as I am sure it may involve you as well," he began and gestured to sit. The three sat themselves down and soon the discussion began.


"Well, as you all know, Lhea has many potential husbands to choose from. Unfortunately, it's not like Lhea can choose all of us. So, I propose an idea, we all get our own individual time with the lady for 6 months on a weekly rotation, and at the end of the 6 months, she'll choose. Is that alright with you, Lhea?" Nathaniel asked.

Lhea blinked. The idea was certainly a good one, and if put in practice, there wouldn't be too much unnecessary conflict.

"That sounds good, do the others know about this?" Lhea asked. The blonde male nodded with a satisfied smile.
"I have seen to it that Donovan and Matthew receive notice of this," he said. Louis nodded in approval as well.

"Seems good, but, are the rest allowed to interfere with the time the couple is spending?" Louis asked.

Nathaniel snickered and looked at Louis with a sly smirk. "Of course. I don't expect us all to play fair," he noted. Lhea sighed, looks like she's going to have her hands full.

"Seems fine, I guess Don is going to go all out with his advances too," she commented and leaned into the soft fabric of the chair and closed her eyes, tired from all the unneeded stress brought on by the tension earlier. "I just hope you all don't cause too big a mess. The media could, after all, catch on the current issue at hand. I'd like this to remain hidden from public eye for as long as possible."

Louis smiled slightly, "There's no need to worry, Lhea. The media's not too informed on your face. Besides, if you search up Lhea Harrison, the most you'd get are your child pictures and the news articles talking about the Harrisons' newborn daughter, and that was...18 years ago?" he said.

Lhea grimaced, right...when she was younger, she was featured in a TV programme that recorded her life in her early years. It was supposed to be training to get her used to being in front of cameras in the future, but really, she still could never get used to it.
Once she turned 8, the TV programme was stopped and her father had given the excuse that it was time for her to start focusing on her studies instead of having to put on a show in front of the media. In a way, she was grateful for that happening, and since then, she hadn't heard a rumour or news leak, which was what worried her.

"Wait...how about yesterday? That was a huge event! The media couldn't have not heard about it..." she said, worry in her eyes. Louis and Nathaniel blinked and mouthed 'Oh', before Louis quickly began a search on the internet.

After a while of almost complete silence, save for the tapping sounds coming from Louis's phone keypad as he furiously typed away, he finally spoke. The two swallowed and looked at him anticipatingly as the dark haired man swallowed.

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