3. Charms of the Skies

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It was now evening and Louis and Donovan had left to ready themselves for the party. Lhea stood in front of the mirror observing her appearance. She was wearing the dress that was prepared for her, a pair of violet purple heels and the maids had did her hair and makeup. Her light brown hair had been braided into an updo accessorised with the carnations Donovan brought. They were after all, still fresh. Her makeup matched her dress, she wore light pastel purple eyeshade with winged eyeliner along with light pink lipstick.

Lhea was still nervous, this was the best she had looked in a while, but the fact that she would have to individually talk with different men and high status people during the party scared her a little. Not only that, she would have to say something during it.

"Calm down Lhea...you can do this..." She told herself as she took in slow, even breaths. With that, she exited her room.

Outside waiting for her were her parents, all dressed up and ready for the party. Lhea swallowed and smiled at them, to show that she was prepared for this. The couple looked at their daughter, and after what seemed like days to Lhea, her father nodded in approval, causing her to let out a breath of relief she didn't she was holding.

"So father and mother, should we go now?" she asked. Maybe it was out of nervousness or fear of her father's disapproval, she had automatically went from her usually semi-casual form of speech to an overly formal form of speech. Hopefully her father wouldn't mind.

"You do know who's coming, Lhea?" her father asked, interrupting the awkward silence hanging over the trio as they were walking to the main hall, where the occasion was held.

"Yes I do father. The Skies are coming, as well as other important guests, such as the chairman of Diamante Jewels," she said, feeling a bit pleased that her and her friends had studied up a bit on the guests that were coming.
"Very good, I see that you have learned well Lhea," replied her father. There was no smile of approval or anything visible like that, but the tone used was a more appreciative and approving tone. At least Lhea now knew that her senses and memory weren't getting dull.


The Harrisons soon entered the hall, causing the entire room to fall silent. Mark Harrison cleared his throat as he walked up the steps to the podium. He adjusted the mike and spoke.

"Good evening, ladies and gentleman. I hope you all are enjoying your evening and I thank you all for coming to my daughter, Lhea's birthday party. We will bring out the cake soon enough but in the mean time, please do help yourselves to the refreshments on the table over there. Our chefs will refill the treats and drinks whenever it's almost finished, so please do eat your fill. Thank you once again for your coming here," her father ended the speech and stepped down the podium, barely even glancing back at his daughter.

It appeared that she would only need to give her speech when the cake comes out. In the meantime, she should greet as many guests as she can, namely the men. She looked over to see her mother in a conversation with another finely dressed woman and gulped. Yeah, she was going to have to work by herself now.

Lhea walked over to the refreshments table, in hopes that she would be able to use that as a conversation starter. When she arrived, she noticed a young blonde man standing in front of the cupcakes, eating a strawberry tart. A devious grin spread itself on Lhea's face as she walked over to the man. Immediately, she plastered a friendly, polite smile on her face.

"Good evening, I'm-" she was cut off immediately by the man who had paused eating his tart.
"I know who you are, and I also know why your father arranged this party," he stated.
"Y-you do?" she asked, looking up at the male. Now when she thought about it, he looked familiar.
"Of course, why else would Mark Harrison invite their rival, Skyreach to their daughter's birthday other than in hopes that if their daughter gets chummy with their son, the bond between the two companies will tighten and their business influence will widen and increase in power?"

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