2. Childhood Possession

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After the rather unpleasant breakfast, made even worse thanks to her mother gushing about the different men she would meet, Lhea had left for her room, only to run in to Louis, having finished making all the phone calls and writing all those e-mails. The brunette didn't expect him to be done so quickly, especially since she had thought that her butler would be busy helping with the refreshments and decorations.

"Louis! You're done fast," she exclaimed, slowly recovering from the sudden appearance of the man who had just come around a corner. Louis only smiled slightly and bowed his head.

"Ahaha, forgive me, young miss. Anyways, Donovan said that he's very free today, as his father wanted him to look his best before coming to your birthday party. Oh right, you have heard about the actual purpose hidden behind this facade of a birthday party, I hope?" he asked. Lhea sighed, her small smile replaced by a grimace.

"Yes, yes I have, Louis. Well then, what time will Don be able to arrive for us to hang out?" she asked, quickly changing the subject before her mind could dwell on the topic of choosing a husband any longer.

"Right, Orchids said that he'll be able to come around this afternoon around 1. In the meantime...do you want a review of the different suitors coming to your party?" he offered. Lhea nodded, deciding that she might as well find out about her guests before the party begins at 8 this evening.


4 hours passed by quickly, as there were more than 40 different men lining up as potential suitors for Lhea, thus exhausting the poor girl greatly.

"Our 42nd man, is Harold Winston, current CEO of the prospering Rinson Hotel line. He's 25 years old, as of his birthday on the 19th of January," Louis explained, scrolling through a tablet where numerous names were written down.

"Hm...7 years is a bit much..." Lhea noted, trying to hold back a yawn.

Meanwhile, a young man was approaching the doors of Lhea's bedroom, a small bouquet of purple irises* and pink carnations* in his hand. A hopeful smile was on his face, and his heart began to pick up its pace as he neared the doors. With a trembling hand, he raised a fist to the door and knocked.

Lhea and Louis turned to the sound of a knock from the doors.

"You may come in!" she called out. When she did, the young, dark brown haired man entered, a joyous smile on his lips. "D-Donny!" she exclaimed, throwing herself into the man's arms, much to Louis's distaste. The butler found himself glaring at the man before him with his dark brown eyes, a forced smile on his face.

"Lhea, so good to see you again," Donovan said, returning the hug while stroking Lhea's light brown locks. The two pulled away from each other, and without hesitation, Donovan presented the bouquet of pink and purple to Lhea, much to her surprise. She received the bouquet with both hands, her cheeks flushed a little pink.
"Th-thanks, Donovan," she said, a bit startled. She didn't expect such a romantic gift from the man that is one of her childhood friends, aside from Louis.

Donovan smiled and brought Lhea's left hand to his lips and slowly let it go while looking over at Louis, who was inwardly snarling at Donovan.
How dare he kiss Lhea? Even he himself had never had much physical contact with Lhea. Donovan of course, was delighted. His best friend's attention was all on him for an entire minute and he was relishing in her attentive gaze.

Oh, how he loved the feel of her touch, the warmth of her body when she hugged him, her delicate skin, her twinkling blue-grey eyes that stared at him with such delight, and he was the one causing her to be happy. Not Louis, not her brother, but him. If he had a choice, he would lock her away from any man's attention and keep her all to himself. However, he knew that he had to put that thought aside for today, because over 40 men will be given her attention. Donovan Orchids was frustrated, couldn't her father see that only he was the only one suitable for Lhea Harrison? Besides, even his father was close with Mark Harrison, surely that gave him some benefits in earning Lhea's had in marriage?

The Heiress's Harem (A Possessive Reverse Harem Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang