13. ~Nonchalance~

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*Lhea's POV*

As I pushed open the doors, I met the eyes of my father, grimacing slightly. Whatever he called me here for, it can't be good.

"Yes, father?" I managed to ask, earning a small chuckle. 
"Lhea, I heard you have landed yourself in a certain...predicament?" he asked me. I raised an eyebrow, not quite understanding his question.


"You're being fought over by quite a number of boys, aren't you? Now, I'm not one to judge, but I trust you make the right decision for the Harrison's future. Also, I'd rather you spend more time with those who bring more benefit to us, like say, David's son," he suggested, a small smile on his face.

"You mean Nathaniel?"

"Yes! He's a fine man, very well brought up. I'm sure he would make a good partner in the future. Oh, and don't worry, I'm not imposing on you or anything, I just want you to know my opinion. Anyways, I think we're done here, you may leave now," and he then closed the conversation quickly with that sentence. 

I frowned, of course he would go the passive-aggressive route... I managed to not sigh in his presence and with the best smile I could muster, I thanked him and left the room as quickly as possible.

The moment I was out of the room, I groaned in frustration. 

" 'I'm not imposing on you or anything, I just want you to know my opinion'" I mocked, before scoffing at how ridiculous I sounded. 

Fine, if he wants to do it this way, I'm going to do what I want, and that means, a date with Andrew sounds great right now. A small grin spread itself on my face as I began to dial his number.


"And you called me here just to mock your dad?" Andrew asked, his mouth agape. 

"Well..." I was struggling to find the words. This whole plan sounded a lot better in my head and now, I might have made someone quite mad.

Andrew took in a huge breath and then let it out, "Where do you want to go?" I blinked. Did he just offer to escort me? That was unexpected, I was sure he hated me.

"That depends. What do you feel like? I mean, I did  call you out here after all," I said, gesturing to our current surroundings; the middle of a town centre, with your typical fish statue fountain in the centre, and shops of all kinds nearby. We were both dressed in our most casual outfits, I was in a baby blue sundress with lace at the ends, paired with a white translucent cardigan and some sky blue wedges to match. Andrew...he had on the same outfit I saw him in when I ran into him at the coffee shop with Louis and Don. 

Andrew's sea green eyes scanned the area, before finally resting on a street-side cafe. "How about we get something to eat first?" he suggested. A smile crept on my lips and I nodded.

"Brilliant idea!"

The two of us headed over to the quaint cafe, with flowers in pots decorating the outside. The signboard had also been made to give an olden feeling, rather than a modern day vibe. 'Cafe Boulevard', in white cursive font was printed on to its signboard, hung above its entrance, big enough for one person to enter at a time. 

"So, have you ever eaten here?" I asked, looking up at the tall, lean figure beside me. The cherry-coloured hair male shrugged.

"Maybe. This place has been around for quite a while now though. Maybe Nat could tell you," he said. I raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Nat? Isn't that Nathaniel?" I asked. 

"Hm? Yeah, we know each other," he replied. It looked like he was about to say something more, but a waitress approached us.

The Heiress's Harem (A Possessive Reverse Harem Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz