7. ~The Chosen (n)One~

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A/N: Okay, I decided that I will write a certain chapter in the point of view of one of the guys depending on the mood. Those will be 'Special Chapters' which will be marked with asterisks (*) beside the title. For this chapter, I will be writing it in Lhea's point of view, but the first paragraph is a continuation of the previous chapter, and for Lhea's P.O.V, I will place (~) beside the  title.

Time seemed to go on a standstill, as every individual awaited Lhea's decision. The girl swallowed the lump in her throat as she opened her mouth to speak. With a determined gaze, she looked firmly at each and every individual before her. She sucked in a deep breath through her teeth silently. The first word she spoke would finally break the tension hanging in the room.

*Lhea's P.O.V*

 I knew that everyone was waiting for an answer, but it was too hard, troublesome, more like. I mean, how am I supposed to choose a fiancee candidate from four men? It was absurd, the party was a lot easier than this situation I'm in now. I let out another sigh, I had to give them my own honest opinion, nothing less than that. That should be enough to satisfy them, I hope.

"I'm so sorry...it's just, it's too hard to choose. Perhaps, as time goes by, I'll be able to choose one of you. You're all okay with that, right?" I asked, looking at them with pleading eyes, hoping that they will agree to my statement. 

Louis was the first one to answer, and with his signature gentleman smile, he placed a hand to his chest and agreed to it. "No problem, Lhea. I guess I'll just have to win your heart throughout the little time we have together," he said with a flirtatious wink. Then, Nathaniel answered.

"I too, have no problems with your decision. After all, we do have lots of time, as your parents are only eager to make sure you have a secure partner in the future. So, be it a year or two, I'm sure you'll be able to make up your mind eventually," he said. I smiled a little, glad to see that half of them were at least co-operative.

"I don't mind," Matthew answered, short and sweet. The gazes were then turned to Donovan, who seemed the most uncomfortable among the four. His lips were thinned into a line, and his fists clenched. I swallowed another lump in my throat and got up from my seat, approaching my friend slowly.

"Don?" I asked, quietly. He immediately stiffened and raised his head and looked over at me silently.
"Why?" he said.
"Why?" I repeated.
"Why do you have so much trouble choosing, Lhea? I confessed first! Why can't you give a solid answer? For both of us?" Donovan didn't seem very happy. 

I bit my lower lip softly, glancing over to Louis for help. I understood, somewhat, where Donovan was coming from. He's a stubborn man, he doesn't like it when things don't go his way. But maybe, he should learn that things don't often go how you want it, and that people can't always please him. Just as I was about to reply to Donovan's question, Matthew interrupted.

"Oh please, Orchids. You're so darn childish, why can't you accept what's best for Lhea? At this rate, it's obvious she won't be choosing you any time soon." 

I blinked, Matthew's words were harsh and cold, but it did have some hint of truth to them. I clenched my knuckles tightly as I searched for a proper answer to settle the whole tension brewing in the room. Sadly, Donovan didn't seem quite affected by Matthew's words and instead, lashed out.

"What's it to you?! Acting all high and mighty just because you're in a better position! Only. I. Deserve. Lhea," Donovan said.
I shifted uncomfortably in my spot. Donovan was being rather, demanding and I was feeling quite unsettled by his persistence to get me to accept him as my fiancee, and it was clear to everyone that he wasn't going to give up any time soon.

"Donovan, please! Calm down! This, this isn't like you! You're acting like a spoilt child right now!" I yelled out of frustration. None of them were making this situation any better for me. Thankfully, my outburst managed to get Donovan's attention and he looked over at me guiltily. I was hoping he would back down for the time being until I sorted out my thoughts, but unfortunately, that did not happen.

Before I could process what was happening, Donovan's lips were on mine, one hand holding me close to him, while another holding my right hand. Just when I thought I felt the tip of tongue, sneaking through my parted lips, Louis pushed the both of us apart, not looking very pleased. I couldn't find words to express myself at the moment, I was stunned.

Slowly, I placed a trembling hand to my lips, still not believing that my first kiss was a surprise one, stolen by my best friend. To some, it may not have been too bad, but I wasn't even exactly in love with Donovan! Just then, Louis cleared his throat as he pulled me away, holding me slightly.

"Donovan, please behave yourself. Did you really think, kissing Lhea was a good idea? As if it would improve her current situation?" Louis demanded, I could tell he was furious...his expression didn't say it, but his tone of voice certainly did. Then, Nathaniel spoke up, after sitting around quietly.

"I think we should take a seat and discuss this civilly instead of just yelling angrily at each other. After all, I'm sure our dear heiress is feeling rather conflicted right now," he said. Louis looked over at the man and sighed, and guided me towards the table and took out a seat for me. I smiled and nodded politely at the gesture, despite it being normal for a butler to perform these sort of actions. After doing so, he sat himself down next to me. Soon enough, the rest followed suit and we were all gathered at the table, the five of us. 

Matthew was the first to address the current issue.

"So, Donovan is unhappy, the rest of us are fine and respect Lhea's decision to put off her fiancee choosing until she makes up her mind. I say, we leave Donovan and Lhea alone while Louis keeps watch," he said, getting up to leave. I nodded slowly, seeing where he was coming from. The rest didn't really need to stay here after all, as they aren't directly involved in the current conflict. 

"Then, you're all dismissed I guess...I'll sort out things with Don sooner or later," I said, placing a smile, hoping to give some sort of assurance that Donovan won't get out of control while being in a room almost alone with me without much manpower to hold him down. After all, he is the tallest out of all of us...standing at a rather intimidating height of 187cm...

The rest, excluding my best friends, exited the room quietly. While on his way out, Nathaniel looked over at me and gave me a worried smile, I responded by mouthing an 'It'll be okay'. A couple minutes later, the room was empty again, only three people left sitting around. Figuring I should continue where we left off, I turned back to Donovan.

"Don, I hope you listen to me," I began. The light brunette flinched as he carefully turned to face me.

"I don't know why you're making such a big deal really, but you need to understand that people's feelings are important. You can't just say something and expect everyone to listen to you and agree with every word you say. I know you're uneasy right now, but relax. I haven't made my final decision yet, so maybe you'll have a chance," I said, reaching over to hold his hand resting on the table to comfort him somehow.

Donovan sighed, "Lhea..." he opened his mouth, as if going to say something else but instead smiled weakly and nodded. "Fine, I'll leave you alone for a while...it's just...no, never mind. But, please Lhea, I'm the right choice," he said before getting up and leaving out the door.

Louis looked at me, then the departing Donovan, then back at me, along with a pitiful smile. He didn't say anything but gently patted me on my shoulder before leaving as well, leaving me alone in the empty bedroom.

I sighed as I stared at the ceiling, wondering what in the world I had gotten myself into.

A/N: Alas, I have shone some light on Donovan's personality. He seems to only calm down when Lhea's talking to him huh? Kinda like a puppy, he only listens to the one he loves...>_>; The next one, may or may not be in Donovan's P.O.V. Your choice, of course if no one says anything it'll probably just end up in 3rd P.O.V. Note, Probably.

EDIT [30/8/16]: I'll wait about a week for the comments voting whether you want it in Don's or 3rd POV. For the time being, I'll be working on a new story I guess.

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