Chapter 15

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Jesse was feeling restless because it was Sunday and she had nothing to do. No amount of reading could fill the empty space within her. She was tempted to call Lana to find out if she had any plans for the day so that they could pass the time together.

When she heard a knock on the door, she almost bolted in eagerness, hoping it was Lana or Fred or anyone who could somehow manage to distract her.

The last person she expected to find when she opened the door was Billy and when she did, her heart sunk and her hands shook. She had been so desperate for company she almost thought she was hallucinating.

“Jesse,” Billy said, stating her name in a breathless whimper.

Jesse was so overwhelmed by her presence, she found it hard to talk. After getting used to seeing Billy everyday then going days without seeing her, it felt like her sight had been lacking and the only way she could quench that thirst was by staring back at Billy.

“May I come in?” she asked.

Jesse took a couple of steps back, letting Billy in. She didn’t know what Billy was doing there because their last encounter had been difficult and she had thought she would never see Billy again. Her heart was pounding in her chest and her palms were sweaty. Billy had always had many different types of effects on Jesse, but seeing her at her doorstep made her extremely nervous.

“What… what are you doing here?” she stuttered.

“I love you Jesse,” Billy said.

The words were as unexpected as the loud thud of her beating heart. She must have heard wrong because last she’d seen her, Billy had hated her guts.

“I’m in love with you.”

It was taking some time for Jesse to fully absorb and understand Billy’s words but Billy’s impatience burnt through her and in a split second, her eyes shone with limitless depth, drowning Jesse in a pool of unspoken emotions.

She touched Jesse’s face, and gazed into her eyes, making words unimportant because everything she needed to say, Jesse could clearly see in her eyes; those beautiful eyes that had always had a breathless effect on her.

Billy drew her closer and her mouth softly covered Jesse’s. The kiss started off gently, but Jesse’s recent realization and everything she felt that she’d always held back or hidden from Billy came awake. She was no longer frightened. She wanted everything Billy had ever made her feel incinerate her, even if it would reduce her into ashes.

Billy’s hands moved from her face to her shoulders as their kiss deepened. Jesse had rejected her so many times in their past encounters she was afraid her mind might have been playing tricks on her. How was all this possible? How was Billy there? How could she kiss Jesse with such passion after the pain she’d caused? The questions harassed her until she pulled away.

“Billy, wait, what’s going on?” she asked.

Billy did not let her go. She continued holding her in her arms and something about it comforted Jesse. Did she still truly love her even after the damage she had caused? The pain she had inflicted?

Star Crossed No More (Sequel to Star Crossed Lovers) (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now