Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

Alex didn’t know whether or not she should tell Billy that Jesse was back in town. It had been an unexpected surprise, but it had felt nice to see her again. After they had parted ways, Alex had always wondered what had become of her because she’d completely varnished.

After Jesse had walked out on them both, Alex and Billy had watched her drive away and neither one of them had been brave enough to go after her. Alex had stood back because she’d not wanted to hurt Billy, and also because she’d thought Jesse and Billy would make a better couple.

She didn’t know Billy’s reasons and she’d never asked. After the damage the love triangle had caused, it had seemed better to just forget and start over on a clean slate. Their relationship had resumed on a bit of a rocky rhythm, but eventually, time had healed their wounds.

It had taken them both a while to start dating again, but it time, Alex had moved on. She’d met a beautiful woman named Alyssa and they were in a nine month relationship. Initially, it had been hard for Alex because she’d been apprehensive to offer her heart to someone else after the way it had been broken, but Alyssa had been so wonderful, it had been easy to fall for her.

As for Billy, things had been a little more challenging for her. Alex had never asked for details regarding her affair with Jesse, because it would be hurtful and awkward but from the way things had worked out for Billy, it was clear she’d been in love with Jesse.

She’d never allowed herself to love someone else. At some point, she’d even tried working things out with Kim, which had been weird because it was Kim who had busted them and informed Alex of Billy’s affair with Jesse, but it had not lasted.

She dedicated her time to her work and had managed to open herself an office and hire some people to work for her. She was successful in her business but it seemed that was all she did, work. Alex didn’t blame her, but she’d tried unsuccessfully to hook her up with women.

She wondered now whether she should inform her that Jesse was back, but she didn’t know the kind of reaction it would draw from her.

 Jesse was still stunning. She looked like life had been good to her. Though she had appeared a little tired, Alex had thought she looked fantastic. She had not anticipated that feeling of pleasantness when she’d seen Jesse, and she didn’t know what to attribute it to.

 It was possible that she may have still had some remnants feelings for Jesse, but she didn’t think they were so strong as to interfere with her relationship with Alyssa. She’d gone to the airport to drop off Alyssa, who had been going out of town for a job.

 Alex had not thought it necessary to tell Jesse the person she’d dropped off had been her girlfriend. She hadn’t seen the point at the time. Now she second guessed herself.

 She was meeting Billy in an hour at their usual hangout joint, she decided it would be better to tell her, rather than hide it and feel guilty for it later. Whatever Billy would do with the information would be up to her. Alex had moved on, maybe if Billy saw Jesse again, it would give her closure and move on too.

Star Crossed No More (Sequel to Star Crossed Lovers) (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now