Chapter 4

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“I thought I should pass this by you because you’ve been complaining so much about being back at the office, though I doubt you’ll want to take up the job. But it is work, and you write up the best damn proposals…”

 Jesse was eager to hear about the project before Fred even finished his statement. “What kind of project is it?”

 “Reception area, several small offices right here in Rangers,” Fred said.

 “I’ll do it!” Jesse said.

 “But I haven’t fully given you all the relevant details!”

 “Just write up what you think is important, and I’ll do the proposal.”

 Fred raised his eyebrow then smiled in amusement. “I’m sure we’re both going to enjoy this,” he said.

 “Sure we will,” Jesse said dryly.

 She had been at the office for a couple of days now and all the paperwork was driving her a bit insane. The firm had hired a few employees, who were busy working on projects involving actual field work. If the employees had not scored the projects on their own, as their boss, Jesse would have traded the projects for paperwork any day, but she wasn’t quite as unfair as taking over projects she had not worked to get on her own. Plus, it showed effort on her staff, which she complemented.

 “Okay, I will have my assistant send you an email in a short while, detailing what you need to know,” he said, that hint of amusement touching his eyes.

 She wanted to think it was because he was pleased for her, equally as much as she was, for going back to the field, but her instincts warned her otherwise. He was a good guy, he would never put their business in jeopardy, so she trusted him.

 A few hours later, she received the email and immediately wrote a proposal. Weird how excited and how quickly she could work when it came to anything relating to her getting out of the office.

 Before the end of the day, her proposal was approved and it was a go for the field project. She just needed to meet the relevant people involved to discuss it a bit further and then start, the part she mostly looked forward to.

 “It’s been confirmed, the meeting will take place tomorrow at nine o’clock in the morning at our offices,” her secretary, Suzanne, said.

 Pleased with the immediate confirmation, Jesse exhaled. Looked like she might get back out there much sooner than she’d anticipated.

 “Make sure Fred gets this and confirms attendance,” she said.

 When she went home that night, it felt as though she’d accomplished much more than she would have, had she been at the office all day filing paperwork.

 It wasn’t until she thought about the details, that she realized she had not seen enough background research about the company. She thought about calling Fred, then dismissed the idea.

 Their firm had handled enough companies with little to no background history. So long as they got paid, most of the times, they did not care much about small company names or who owned them. Not because they were not necessary for their portfolio, but because most of the time, they ended up shutting down before making any actual progress to put them down as references.

 The following morning, Jesse dressed up in a thigh-high elegant grey skirt suit, white top, exposing her pleasant firm and full cleavage, and high heels. She wasn’t a big fan of high heels, but they always seemed to do the trick with clients. Or rather, the flirtatious outfit helped with closing the deal when she made her closing speech.

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