Team Six

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"Some people may call it a kind deed, an act of mere hypocrisy, but never mind those who've lost faith. You shouldn't give in to what they say."


The woman didn't walk too far, or maybe I was just trying to keep up with her power walking the whole time so it didn't seem far... Either way, I realized we were nearing the hot springs, one of the places I passed through when I was bored and Kakashi wasn't around. As we were getting closer, I saw two figures standing on the small red bridge. One of them was leaning against the railing with their arms crossed while the other was sitting on the opposite railing.

At first, I thought the one leaning was a girl due to the red hair tied into a relatively long ponytail but realized I was wrong when he glanced our way. Pieces of his hair fell over the Konoha headband on his forehead while two longer fringes on the sides passed his chin. He really stood out with his pineapple yellow shirt. It was trimmed blue around his collar along with a silver button thing to close it and wore blue shorts with his ankles wrapped in bandages. I couldn't help but think of Naruto because of their similar-and odd color of clothes they wore. Stopping like five feet away from him, I noticed his eyes were a persian blue and he had a small white bandage on the bridge of his nose.

I looked over at the other boy and saw his white shaggy hair, making me stare harder at him since he failed to notice we were here. Is that...? The boy wore a sky blue hoodie along with a grey vest that had one strap on the left side and black pants.

"Alright, now that everyone's here, we can get started." The woman began, putting a manicured hand on her hip.

The boy then looked down at us and I had to blink more than a few times, even rub my eyes. The other boy was Ryoku! He now adorned the Konoha headband on his forehead as well, his white bangs covering most of it. I opened my mouth to call him out but with a slight shake of his head, I stopped myself and squinted at him instead. As if to answer my unasked question, he ever so slightly jutted his chin out towards the woman beside me and glanced at the redhead from the corner of his eye. He didn't want to say anything in front of them I imagine, so I decided to leave it for later.

"Sensei, you didn't say you were picking up something hot." The redhead stated, smiling at me.

My eyebrow immediately twitched. Great, one of them. "Ugh, it speaks." I quickly retorted.

He stepped closer to me with a sly smirk across his face. "It does a lot of things, wanna see?"

"You have five seconds to get the fuck away from me." I told him, glaring harshly.

The woman stepped in between us, a sigh escaping her lips. "Okay, you two can do all of that when I'm not around. Right now, we've got stuff to do."

I scoffed at her words. "I'd rather not do it at all."

The kid peeked around the woman's body, still smirking. "One day you will. Sensei can come too." He added, smirking up at the woman now.

I wrinkled my nose at him. "Not in this life."

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear any of that and continue on. We'll start by introducing ourselves." The woman said, keeping true to her word and completely ignoring us. I blinked. I didn't even know this kid's name and I already don't like him. Hell, I didn't like him the moment he opened his mouth. "You, you can go first since you're so confident." She touched the boy right in the middle of his forehead and pushed him back a little with her red painted fingernail. "Tell us your name, your hobbies, your future dream and what you're most proud of."

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