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I walked into the kitchen where I found Temari already there. I shook my head as I sat down at the table and put my head down, feeling groggy. 

"No, thank you." There was a pause before Temari spoke. 

"Hmph, you look like crap." There was a hint of amusement in her voice. I picked my head up and looked at her with half closed eyes. 

"Couldn't sleep." I mumbled truthfully. How could I? I don't recognize the girl I see in the mirror let alone can come up with any answers. I'd thought when I fell asleep last night, I'd wake up to be back to normal in like the hospital or something and yesterday was just me in between the worlds of life and death.

But no, I awoke back in the guest room on the bright red bed.

She turned to me with a black cup in her hand and placed it in front of me. "Maybe some coffee then." I sent her an appreciative half smile before picking up the cup and sipping the hot coffee. Sweet.

"How'd you know?" I asked pausing in drinking.

Temari sat next to me at the table. "What?"

I gestured at the cup in my hand. "The way to make it."

"Oh," she sipped from her cup before continuing. "That was supposed to be for Kankuro but he's probably still sleeping. Guess you two have the same taste." She brought her white cup to her lips after explaining.

I blinked before drinking more. Just then, there were footsteps coming down the stairs. A boy turned the corner with brown messy hair and only wore a black T-shirt and black boxers with matching black slippers. He had a toothbrush in his mouth as he froze when he saw us.

I felt my face heat up as I stared at the boy, he wasn't bad looking at all but the fact that he's just standing there in his boxers...

"I forgot you were here." He said to me with his toothbrush still in his mouth. I almost choked on my coffee recognizing the voice. 

"Kankuro?" Temari laughed at me as I tried to regain my composure, coughing.

"Why does everyone have that kind of reaction when they don't see me with my hood or face paint?" Kankuro asked waving his toothbrush around.

I cleared my throat. "You mean your makeup?"

An anger vein appeared on his forehead. "It's face paint!"

I nodded. "Sure it is." I mused, drinking more of the coffee.

He glared at me then turned to Temari. "You gave her my coffee?!"

She shrugged. "You weren't here to get it." Kankuro gave her a face of disbelief before she added, "There's more so make another one for yourself."

Kankuro glared at her. "You're a piece of work, Temari. Ya know that?" He averted his glare onto me before leaving the kitchen and retreating back upstairs.

I just stared after him with my raised purple brow, wanting to know what was up his crotch today. Temari chuckled beside me. "Don't mind him, he's usually cranky in the morning." I simply nodded, fully understanding that. I wasn't fond of mornings myself, I'm more of a night-person.

Temari got up from the table and brought her cup to the sink. "I have some things to take care of in the village today so it's best to stay around the estate. I'm not stopping you from leaving but," She looked at me with no hint of playfulness in her expression. "Trust me Rinai, it's safer for you in here."

I stared at her confused by what she meant as she picked up a large black rectangular thing that I'd just noticed was leaning on the wall on the far side of the kitchen.

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