Royal Doultan Rhode China Plates

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"-you have to scrub the walls, wash our clothes, clean the rooms and-- Rinai! Are you even listening? Rinai?!"

I blinked out of my daze looking up at Wendy, my "aunt". "Yeah, I heard you."

She glared down at me with her icy green eyes and I glared back up at her from my seat on the couch. For a moment, neither of us said anything and I was getting annoyed by the silence.

"What?" I hissed at her.

She glared at me more intensely before smirking and walking to the kitchen, her heels clicking against the tiled floor. I watched after her suspiciously. What's she smirking about?

She stopped at the sink, looking over the counter. "And you have to clean this mess up in the kitchen."

My brows pulled together in confusion. "What mess?" I already cleaned the kitchen earlier.

Wendy picked up a stack of plates then turned away from the sink. Suddenly, she dropped the set of plates in the middle of the floor, making them shatter as soon as it made impact and spread out everywhere in the small kitchen.

She looked up at me, flipping her black short hair over her shoulder away from her sharp, evenly tanned face. "That mess." She said bittersweetly and smiled.

My eyes were wide in disbelief, staring down at the broken plate pieces at her feet. I couldn't believe she just did that! For a moment, I was speechless. Then I heard my "uncle" come bustling up the stairs from the basement.

He slammed open the door and looked between Wendy and I. "What happened? I heard something break."

He was jittery and looked like he was almost shaking. His deep blue eyes were wide and slightly bloodshot. I mentally scoffed. I know what he was doing...

Wendy gestured at me, "She didn't put the plates back properly so they fell and broke." She looked at the plates- the ones she broke and shook her head, sighing. "My poor Royal Doulton Rhode China plates..." What a mouthful. I hated those plates of hers anyway.

Eddie turned to me with a glare, his face scrunched up like he was snarling. "Are you satisfied? You happy with what you did, you little bitch?!" He bursted out, each word louder than the last while he was coming towards me.

I shot up from the couch with my phone gripped tightly in my hand, pissed I was being put at blame- again. "Are you kidding me?! Your taking her si-"

I was cut off by a fist contacting with my cheekbone, pain registering itself and spreading in my face as I staggered back. I instinctively put my hand to my cheek where it throbbed in a feeble attempt to ease the growing pain.

"I don't even know why we took you in, you're useless and clumsy. Nothing but a burden." Eddie spat out, pushing past me to go to the couch while knocking me to the floor on the way.

I hadn't realized I dropped my phone as I was glaring over at Eddie until I heard Wendy's heels walk over towards me. When I turned my head towards her, she was already picking up my cellular device. I began scrambling to my feet as she opened her mouth, "I think it's about time we took your privileges away."

Wendy went over to the window and opened it as I was finally getting my footing. With one flick of her wrist, my phone flew out the window.

I froze the moment it exited the window. Anger- rage more like- quickly bubbled up inside of me. She had no right to do that. I bought that phone with my own hard earned money working as a dog sitter. They never bought or did anything for me, yet I do everything for them. Yet this was how I get repaid in kind.

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