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"I'm not afraid to fall, you can watch me lose it all. I'll get it wrong til I get it right."


Rinai's POV

That night, we all sat around the dinner table. It was kind of nice, you know, if Naruto and Sauce Cake weren't puking up all the food they ate. I was in between Kakashi and Naruto at the table. I had challenged both boys to an eating contest earlier and this is the outcome.

The three of us scarfed down the bowls of food, making Tazuna laugh. "This is great, it's been so long since we've had guests over." I shoved another mouthful in my mouth and gulped it down. So the old drunk does get lonely.

Naruto and Sasuke stood up and raised their bowls at the same time shouting, "I want some more!" They glared at each other for a moment before turning to puke again.

I then finished my bowl and started grabbing potatoes from the center of the table. While Sakura stood up. "Don't eat so much if you're just going to puke it up!"

"Yeah, you guys are just wasting the food!" I scolded, eating more. I was obviously winning this contest, not puking once.

I saw Sakura eye me. "And you'll never get a boyfriend eating like that."

I paused in my eating. And for me to stop eating was something to worry about. "Who says I want a boyfriend, Haruno? Unlike you, I have more important things to worry about than boys."

She made a "hmph" sound. "Well it seems like you have a never ending abyss in your stomach, you'll only get fat."

"And you eat like a bird, so what?" I told her with my mouth full. "From my experience, guys like girls with an appetite. No wonder Sasuke doesn't want you. I don't bitch about the way you eat, so don't bitch about the way I do." I felt Kakashi's eye on me as Sakura walked away, completely brushing off what I said. I wasn't sure if I was mad she ignored me or relieved she stopped talking.

"You know, it isn't ladylike to talk with your mouth full... or use that language." Kakashi said to me.

I snorted. "A lady? You must have me confused for someone else, Kakashi."

"Hey..." Sakura spoke again. "Why's this picture torn over here like someone was ripped out of it?"

I glanced over to see her looking at a picture on the wall of Tazuna, his grandson Inari, and his daughter Tsunami. But there was a big ripped out piece by Tsunami and Inari. There was probably a story behind it that I honestly didn't care about.

"That was my husband." Tsunami stated quietly.

"He used to be known as a hero in this land." Tazuna added.

Inari who was sitting next to Sasuke got up and left, even after Tsunami called for him. She followed but stopped at the door, turning to Tazuna. "Father, you know you can't talk about him like like that in front of Inari!"

Tazuna began telling the tale of this guy Kaiza that came into their life while I just continued to eat, blocking them all out. Tsunami is a good cook. I wouldn't mind eating this often. I broke a piece off of my potato and gave it to Mamoru who was sitting in between me and Kakashi. He sniffed it at first and licked it but didn't bother to eat it, looking back up at me.

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