Chapter 4

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So I reached 1,000 reads on this book, so I thought, 'Maybe I should upload,' so here's my gift to all you awesome people out there reading this.

We made eye contact, and I stared into his blue eyes. Chris cleared his throat making me break eye contact with Ethan.

"You must be Chris. I'm Ethan. Ethan McGraw." Ethan said holding out his hand for Chris to shake. Chris eyed his hand, before shaking it,

"Yeah, I'm Chris," He said letting go of Ethan's hand, and putting his arm around my waist.

Ethan stared at the arm around my waist and made eye contact with me. That's not right. Why do I see jealousy in his eyes? I must be hallucinating. Wouldn't be the first time.

"Jamie, can I talk to you alone for a minute?" Ethan asked and I nodded slowly with a hint of confusion on my face. He wants to talk? About what? Chris looked back and forth between Ethan and I until his eyes landed on me,

"Cool. I'll be in class." He said kissing my forehead, "If he touches you let me know, okay?" He whispered in my ear, and I nodded. He's so protective which is cool I guess.

Chris walked away and Ethan watched until chris turned the corner before talking,

"What are you doing with him?" He asked immediately and straight to the point. I raised an eyebrow in confusion. Quarterback say what?

"Why? It's none of your business." I said frowning. It wasn't any of his business, I haven't spoken to him in like three years.

"We're best frien-"

"Were best friends," I cut him off, "That all changed once you became quarterback. Our friendship ended, because you wanted to be popular," I interrupted staring into his eyes.

"So not true." He replied and I frowned,

"Oh come on! It's true and you know it. If it's not true than tell me why our friendship drifted apart, because if I recall I tried to plan events, and go out, but you either denied

or dissed me. So please educate me what's so not true." I said slightly trembling from my anger.

Ethan stayed quiet and stared at the ground.

"Exactly," I said preparing to walk away, but his arm cut me off.

"Listen....I'm sorry, about the past. Every time we made plans Kelly made plans the same exact day. She said she wanted to see me more, and that I was spending too much time with you. At the time I was too much into Kelly, that I didn't notice I was losing you, until you were gone." He sighed and looked into my eyes.

"I want to be best friends again, like old times, when you use to wear bunny slippers when you watched t.v., and when we would have our monthly movie night." He said, and I instantly smiled remembering singing along to high school musical together. All the anger I had that was boiling inside me melted away. I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.

"I want to be best friends too. Hey, how about a movie night tonight? "I asked and Ethan smiled,

"I will love to, Jamie-bear." I laughed at my old nickname, and he laughed too.

It was lunch time, and I skipped to the cafeteria. Everyone gave me weird glances, but I didn't care. I had my best friend back, and all it took was that stupid witch to finally mess things up, so they would break up.

She's probably with Jacob right now.

I opened the door and noticed Kelly talking to Chris, while twirling her hair. What a slut! I guess I spoke too soon.

I marched to where they were, and I swear I saw red when she touched his bicep. But, what made me smile, was that he took her hand off his bicep, with a bored expression on his face. Wow, he's not falling for the sluts tricks. I think Kelly noticed too, because she pouted.

I walked over to Chris and grabbed his hand. Kelly looked down at our intertwined fingers, and then glared at me before walking away. Chris smiled at me, and before I could protest he crashed his lips into mine. Before I could get involved, a throat was cleared beside us, making us separate. I looked over to see Ethan and Jenny.

"Don't stop because of us," Jenny said smiling and I blushed. After we waited in line and finally grabbed our lunch, we sat down and conversed at Jenny and I's usual table. Ethan was surprisingly quiet the whole time. It was weird and I had to talk to him about that tonight.

"So, what movie are we watching tonight?" Ethan asked and Chris and Jenny's eyes immediately went to me.

"Movie?" Jenny and Chris asked at the same time. I started to chuckle,

"Yeah, Ethan and I are rebirthing our friendship, so we're having one of our monthly movie nights tonight," I said looking into Jenny and Chris face.

"You didn't ask me," Chris said frowning.

"Didn't think I had to, since it's my house." I said back to him, and he looked into my eyes and smirked,

"Actually it's my house, if you remember, you're moving in with us today." I put my head in my hands and groaned.

I lifted my head, "I totally forgot about that."

"Why are you two moving in together. You just met." Ethan asked and I remembered that he didn't know about the marriage situation. Chris and I shared a quick glance.

I took a deep breath, "Well my family has this tradition. The oldest child has to have an arranged marriage." I said and looked up at Ethan and he nodded as though telling me continue, "And since I'm an only child, I have an arranged marriage with Chris," I said short and to the point.

"Oh, and I'm adopted." I added in and Ethan laughed.

"I-I K-Knew it." He said in between laughter, and I smiled, I have my best friend back.

All of a sudden Kelly appeared, and I instantly frowned.

"Ethan baby, Im really sorry." She said touching his arm, which Ethan immediately shook off.

"What are you doing here? You were just flirting with Chris a few seconds ago, and now you're trying to get back together with Ethan? Gosh you're such a whore." I butted in and she glared at me,

"What did you say to me?" She asked, and I stood up and so did Jenny.

"She said and I quote, 'What are you doing here? You were just flirting with Chris a few seconds ago, and now you're trying to get back together with Ethan? Gosh you're such a whore.' End of quote. But, it is true, you're such a whore, who can't get a guy."Jenny said and I chuckled at the quotes.

Kelly scoffed and flipped her bleach blonde hair. "I can get any guy I want." She smirked and Chris snorted and I started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" She asked frustrated.

"Oh it's just-haha-you can't get any guy," I said in between laughter, and Ethan and Jenny started laughing.

Kelly screamed and lunged herself at me, but I quickly sobered up and moved the other way. She pushed me and I pushed her, then I tackled her to the floor and slapped her, as she clawed at be with her French tip nails. I grabbed her hair and tugged as I felt some slight pain on my hand.

This went on until a pair of strong arms picked me up, and held me back, as Jacob picked up Kelly. I gasped, "That bitch bit me!" I yelled and Chris started to laugh.

______________________READ ME I'M A SMEXY KITTY________________________

Well whatcha think? That was an awesome cat fight if I do say so myself. What do you think about Ethan and Jamie becoming friends again? Any predictictions?

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I play the violin...if you wanted to know.....

I like pickles, and cereal

You're still here..........

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