46. Bonus Chapter 2

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Final part guys

I doubt I'll write a sequel, but I didn't want to abandon you guys so this is my final chapter for real this time
I just want to again thank you for the encouraging comments and votes.

Kylie's POV

Four months passed since the birth of my third child, a healthy baby girl that Wyatt and I named Kyra Angelica after his mom who passed some time ago. Kyra came weighing at seven pounds flat, a head full of dark curls, and the most beautiful hazel eyes. She and his mother looked too much alike and he loves it

My birthing experience wasn't as bad as I though it would be. I've heard the horrors of childbirth and the pain that comes with it, but still I wanted a natural home birth which went complication free. I think having Talia and my mom there with me was enough motivation to go pain free, and bringing a new life into the world was the most beautiful experience

After a long year the family decided to have our first official family vacation together in Cancun Mexico which is all too beautiful. Everyone seems to think I should embrace my Cuban and Mexican heritage which is true. Even though I share the same DNA with a bastard who deserved the horrible death he had I still love knowing where I come from, and both my parents are okay with my curiosity

Deeks: hey kiddo, I was thinking you and me head down to the beach for a quick surf before dinner? It's been a while.

"It didn't have to be, you just wouldn't let me surf while I was pregnant, but I've been waiting to get back into the water so give me a sec to change" I told him before heading back to my room and changing into my white two piece bikini

When I got back down dad handed over a wet suit for me to throw on before we went out into the water together

Deeks: I miss hanging out with you

"What are you talking about. We go hiking, biking and surfing all the time. Your the main reason I got back into shape so fast. Best work out buddy ever" I told him

Deeks: that's different. Working out your focused on you, but when we're out here we talk and I missed that. I know you have three kids under the age of four, but I don't want us to loose this bond. It was hard enough to create one

"Daddy you and I will never loose touch. The kids don't really take up my time because between mom, Talia and aunt Kate their never home. You and I are good, I'll never not have enough time for you. I promise

Deeks: okay, now how about we catch this wave and head in before the sun sets

"Sounds good to me" we spent about an hour in the water before paddling ashore where I took off my wetsuit to get dry "dad I'm gonna go find wyatt and our babies

Deeks POV

She headed off on the boardwalk as I went to join my beautiful wife near the pool. I've been thinking a lot about another kid, and I needed to know if that's an idea she's open to

Kensi: did you have fun with Kylie?

"We had a good talk, and it made me realize that I want another kid. You know I've always wanted a big family and yes we have that, but I was thinking we adopt one more" I suggested

Kensi: babe that's a big decision. We already have two kids who aren't leaving us anytime soon. Are you sure you want another?

"I am, but if your not sold it's okay. Sahara and max are more than enough. I just see the love Wyatt and Kylie are able to give the twins and I thought we could experience that for ourselves. I'm not saying we adopt a baby, I want an older kid maybe thirteen or fourteen. Those are the ones people look past"

Kensi: okay, I'm in. Just so you know this process doesn't happen overnight. My mom has a few connections and so does Kylie, but it might still take a few months or even a year to finalize an adoption. If we do this you gotta be patient

"Did you just say yes? All I'm hearing is yes" I said with a smile

Kensi: deeks I'm serious

"So am I, and I need to kiss you right now

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2017 ⏰

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