35. Baby Talk

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Kensi's POV

13 weeks pregnant and I'm feeling much better. After spending too long of a time feeling nauseous and unable to keep anything down it's finally over and I feel like I'm back to my old self. Deeks and I are taking the kids along with us to my doctor's appointment where hopefully we'll find out the gender of our little bun in the oven

We arrived at the doctor's office around ten am to meet with doctor walker who was very happy to see Max again. She's the doctor who delivered him

Dr. Walker: hello little man, you got so big since our last visit

He smiled as he waved back to her

Dr. Walker: your so cute, let's get your mommy into the exam room so we can take a look at you baby brother or sister

Max: okay, come on mama. I wanna see the baby

He followed doctor walker while pulling me along with him. I climbed up onto the table to get started not forgetting to lift my shirt. The baby bump was barely visible

She squeezed the cold gel on my stomach and started the ultrasound giving us a view of the tiny life growing inside of me

Deeks: he or she is already so perfect

The sight of my growing baby brought tears to my eyes, Deeks was so right about that baby being perfect

Dr. Walker: your husband has been calling me everyday for the past month knowing if it was  time for your appointment, I take it you want to know the gender dad?

Deeks: we all do. My paternal instincts is telling me girl, I wanna to confirm that I'm right

"Paternal instincts? That's not a thing, and I think we're having another boy although it doesn't really matter as long as he or she is healthy.

Dr. Walker: lets have a look shall we?

We nodded and turned our attentions to the monitor as she guided the transducer probe across my stomach for the perfect view of our growing love.

Dr. Walker: looks like dad's paternal instincts were right, your having a little girl who has a healthy heartbeat. I'll leave you to watch her while I make a copy of this for you

Deeks: she's already so perfect to me. Little Sahara Kyra Deeks

"That's so beautiful, when did you come up with that?" I asked

Deeks: Kylie, Max and I made a list a few weeks ago. For a boy we were thinking he'd be a junior and for a girl we came to Sahara

Kylie: you suggested he be a junior. I liked kyle for a boy

"Okay you two, we'll argue over boy names if we decided to have another baby, but for now Sahara Kyra is already named" I told them

Deeks: you really like it?

"I love it and I love you so much, the four of you" I too then and he leaned over and kissed my lips. When doctor walker came back with the photos for us deeks had a few questions then we headed home. I didn't think it were possible for him to be anymore excited about this pregnancy, but boy was I wrong

Deeks: next weekend after a shopping trip we're gonna decorate your sister's nursery

Kylie: I'm always busy on weekends, and we have forever before she gets here.

Deeks: I feel like I've got to book an appointment if I want to spend time with you

Kylie: after my ballet recital I'll have all the time in the world for you and we will give Sahara the best room ever. I need to get to rehearsal so I'll see you guys later.

"You know we have to get back to work kylie, you promised you'd watch Max" I reminded her

Kylie: he'll just come to the studio with me

I packed a bag for them both and they headed out to her rehearsal while deeks and I headed into the bullpen at eleven thirty in the morning. I think it's safe to say that we're beyond late

Jenny: I'd have to agree

Both Deeks and I pitched when director Shepard appeared out of nowhere behind us

Jenny: you two should know that work starts at nine, sometimes sooner. We've caught a lead on the mole and your needed in the field. We got a location and I want you two there yesterday. Gear up, I'll have Mr Beale send you the location

Deeks: last time it was an ambush, Kens you can't go out there

Jenny: this job comes with danger, you both know the risks so why is it now an issue?

Deeks: she's pregnant, we just can't risk hurting our daughter

Jenny: I would never knowingly send a pregnant agent in the line of fire. Congratulations to you both, but kensi your sitting this one out. Take Beale with you

"Beale? Nell has more training" I told her

Jenny: she's better off in the office as is you so give her a hand up in ops and deeks head out

Deeks: yes ma'am. Don't worry babe I'll be fine and back before you know it

"Be careful out there" I told him before watching him head out with beale. I know Deeks can hold his own in the field but this mole has serious connections. The thought of deeks or any one of the guys being injured or worse made me sick to my stomach. I boletd into the bathroom where I met Nell who was already throwing up "you okay Nell?" I asked

Nell: I'm fine, it must have been something I ate earlier

"You sure about that?" I questioned

Nell: you could always tell when I'm not being honest. I'm pregnant, I just found out a few weeks ago

"That's great, why don't you look happy?" I asked

Nell: I'm not ready to be a mom. I want kids at some point, but you and Talia are so different from me. You've raised amazing kids and I'm not sure if I'd be good at it

"You'll do great, and I know Eric will be excited. Nobody ever knows what their doing with the first kid, but you and I can be pregnancy buddies. At least you'll know what I'm going through" I told her

Nell: your having another baby

"Yeah, Deeks and I are very excited for our baby girl on her way. Don't stress out about this, your gonna do fine, and if your feeling overwhelmed just call me, I'll always be here for you" I assured her

Nell: thanks Kens, this makes me feel a lot better about this whole situation, and the doctor said im about fourteen weeks so I guess I should tell Eric

"Fourteen weeks? Your a week ahead of I am. We are definitely in this together" I assured her and she smiled at my excitement "you're gonna do great Nell" I assured her once more. I know how it feels to be pregnant and scared as hell, that's how I felt with Kylie because I was all alone but she's not and I know what kind of person nell is. She's gonna make an amazing mom

Her Daughter (Kensi Blye) UNEDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now