29. Father's Day (Part 2)

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Kensi's POV

Deeks and I just got done showering the sand off of our bodies left behind from our day on the beach with our kids. Kylie planned the perfect family day and Deeks couldn't be happier with all the effort she put into making today special. Those two had a rough start, and now their seemingly inseparable

Deeks: babe why aren't you dressed for lunch? I told you earlier that kylie planned the entire day out

"You were busy doing too many other stuff to me for me to focus on what you were saying earlier" I told him

Deeks: you really liked those 'other stuff' and if I can recall correctly you're the one who told me not to stop   

He wrapped his arms around me from behind pressing his erection into my back

Deeks: do you feel what you do to me standing here half naked? How are we going to fix this little problem?

"Baby, there is nothing little about that problem" I told him as he pushed me down onto our bed hovering above me. Our mouths locking together as he released the clasp on my bra tossing it across the room. He kissed me with passion as I fisted his hair moaning out loud as his lips attached to my neck that already possessed his mark. Just as his hands reached the hem my underwear about to discard them a loud cry filled our room. It was Max's baby monitor, he began calling out "mama, mama"

Deeks: maybe he'll go back to sleep

He reattached his lips to mine trying to continue what we started only to have Max's screams becoming even louder "I have to get him and we need to get dressed" I told Deeks

Deeks: I'm gonna need a cold shower first

We both emerged from the bed, deeks headed back towards the bathroom as I slipped on my robe heading into the nursery to comfort my crying son who was standing in his crib "hi baby, you don't have to cry mama's here" I cooed as I picked him up. After calming him I managed to get him and myself dressed for lunch

Kylie: you guys ready yet? I don't like being late

Deeks: we are all dressed and ready to go, all I need to know is where I'm driving to

Kylie: I got my learners permit, so I'll be driving. Don't worry I'm good behind the wheel

I was a little skeptical but she did pass the test, so we followed her down to the car where she drove us to a park where we met a beautiful picknic set up on the park bench "how did you have time to do this? You were with us all morning" I stated

Kylie: I have my ways and there's a basketball court across the street so after lunch we can play. Deeks maybe you'll be able to redeem yourself from those many loses last weekend

Deeks: maybe I let you win to make you feel better

Kylie: whatever helps you sleep at night old man. I am going to crush you

Deeks: your scary competitive, and a little cocky but I like it. Let's just hope your not a sore loser because I'm gonna win

"Alright you two, let's eat first before you spend the rest of the day competing like little kids" I told them and they both sat at the table for lunch

Deeks: Ky you've made today really amazing. Thank you for doing this

Kylie: your the best dad ever, today should be epic because you make every other day amazing. I don't say this a lot but I love you

Deeks: I love you too and I couldn't have wished for a more amazing daughter

He pulled her in for a hug. I always love watching these moments between them, their sometimes rare but always heart melting and beautiful. Once we were all done with lunch Kylie changed into her sneakers and the pair was about to head across the street to the basketball court when a man I never thought I'd ever have to see again showed up and it felt like my heart stopped at the sight of him. I couldn't speak I just froze

Deeks: you okay baby

"I......I" I couldn't manage to bring out the sentence

Kylie: dad are we playing or what?

Deeks: yeah kiddo, just give me a sec

Diego: dad? You have some other man owing my daughter who you didn't even had the heart to tell me existed!!

His voice was venomous. He was angrier than I'd ever seen before, but once my husband processed what diego just said his reaction was the same if not worse.

Kylie: mom?

"It's okay baby, take Max and go to the car." I told her and she did as I said while I tried to restrain my husband "babe he's not worth it" I told deeks who broke free of my grasp and punched diego in the face causing him to stumble and fall

Deeks: Kylie is not your daughter and you may have gotten away with what you did to my wife, but if I see you anywhere near my wife or daughter again I will not hesitate to put a bullet in your skull

Diego: you have no idea what you just did

Deeks: punched a rapist, I'm aware. Kens let's go

He pulled me along with him and drove us back to our house where I laid my sleeping son in his crib before going down to the living room to talk with Deeks and Kylie

Kylie: mom what was that man talking about? Was he really the bastard who share the same DNA as I do?

"He was, his name is Diego Diaz and he's a really bad guy" I explained

Kylie: well obviously the guy's no saint, but why isn't he in prison after what he did to you?

"I never reported it. After he.......after it happened I just couldn't. He knew where my mother lived and I didn't want to hurt her anymore than I already had by leaving. At the time diego was the biggest drug dealer on the west coast, he was accused of more Ryan a dozen morders but no charge ever stuck because he has powerful people on his payroll. If I'd made a report he would have has me killed, so I just buied it" I confessed

Deeks: it's okay, you're safe with me. You'll always be safe with me, both of you

"I know, but deeks he wants her and he always gets what he wants" I told them

Deeks: not this time. Legally he has no claim to her. I signed her original birth certificate, all of her legal papers are in my name. DNA doesn't matter because according to the law she's my daughter and I'd sooner die before I let him anywhere near her or you. No matter what he does he won't get her

Kylie: you promise?

Deeks: I promise

He pulled us both into his embrace, I could see how worried my little girl was and that sight alone broke my heart. This should never be her problem, and hopefully Diego will let this go and move on

The next chapter will be a time jump just one year ahead. No huge changes and I'd like to know if you guys want diego to make any reappearances throughout the story

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Her Daughter (Kensi Blye) UNEDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now