45. bonus chapter

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Didn't expect you guys to ask for more but here you go

Kylie's POV

I woke to the sweetest sound I'd never get tired of hearing. The laughter of my now two years old whom my husband spent the morning tickling until they broke into a fit of laughter

It always brings a smile to my face seeing how close the three of them are. He's an amazing dad and they can't get enough of the guy

Wyatt: zozo I think you and Zack woke mama. You know how cranky she gets when she has to wake early on a Saturday

"I do not get cranky and I almost forgot how comfortable my old bed is. Why didn't you wake me to go home last night?" I asked after waking in my bedroom in my parents house

Wyatt: you'd already fallen asleep, and you looked so adorable I didn't have the heart to wake you

"That was sweet" I told him before he leaned over and pecked my lips "I love you"

Wyatt: I love you too, and I think these little monsters are hungry. Would you like your breakfast in bed?

"That would be nice, but I miss having breakfast with mom and dad" I told him as I got up out of bed throwing on my robe. The four of us headed downstairs where mom and dad were just getting done setting the table for breakfast with the help of my little sister and brother

Max: Kylie!

"Hey buddy" I greeted him back

Max: are you going to stay with us all day? I have new toys so we can play together

"I'll be here all weekend long and we can do whatever you'd like" I told both him and Sahara. There may be a big age difference between us, but we have a close relationship. I'm either spending weekends here or they'd come to me, and throughout the week I do school drop offs and pickups. I think we're as tightly knit as it gets

Deeks: they'll like that, but I thought you had a meeting in New York this weekend

"Hanging out with these guys is much more fun than a boring meeting." I said "as much as I love your omelettes eggs kinda make me feel nauseous and I've been really craving some banana pancakes" I told daddy

Kensi: you can go ahead and make whatever you like. You know how to find the kitchen

Wyatt: I will make you some banana pancakes

"Thank you" I told him as he made his way into tue kitchen.

Kensi: I think that boy would do just about anything to make you happy. He has you used to getting whatever you want

"He loves taking care of me, why would I deny him that? It's the most incredible thing in the world falling in love with your best friend. I never have to say Wyatt I don't feel great, he always seems to know when I need to be taken cared of, and today is one of those days" I told them

Deeks: what's wrong?

"I think I might be coming down with a bad case of the flu. It usually starts off with nausea and a headache and I've got both"

Kensi's POV

I knew something was different with Kylie. For starters all she's been doing is sleeping for the past few weeks which is unlike her, and now she's beginning to experience nausea. She may be sick, but I'm not so sur she can blame this one on the flu

Once the kids had finished up with breakfast Deeks took them outside to play while I cleared the table. Wyatt had just brought in a stack of banana pancakes for Kylie and himself, as I went to put tue dirty dishes in the dish washer

I was about to reenter the dining room when I stopped, not wanting to interrupt Kylie and Wyatt's conversation

Kylie: babe do you ever think about having more expanding our family?

Wyatt: I've thought about adopting more kids. I'm never against giving a child a home

Kylie: I'm not talking about adoption although it is something I'd like doing again. I'm talking about having one that's part you, part me.

Wyatt: DNA doesn't matter to me. Nobody can come and tell me our twins aren't ours, but if your talking about getting pregnant I do think about that. It doesn't matter how our kids come into our lives, I've always wanted a big family. I wasn't going to say anything, but do you think you could be pregnant?

Kylie: that's what I wanted to talk about. We haven't said to each other let's try for a baby, but we haven't been doing anything to avoid that either. I realized that my cycle was late, like two months late and I've been nauseous, fatigued and irritable, so I took the test and it came back positive. I'm pregnant

The biggest smile appeared across his face as he pulled her in for a kiss. I couldn't help but smile myself looking at the pair. It's amazing how much in love they are

Deeks: what are you doing?

"I told you to stop sneaking up on me like that. Our daughter just told her husband that she's pregnant. Can you believe that?" I asked

Deeks: that's amazing, our family's just growing and growing. She's already such a great mom, and he's an amaxing dad, so they've got lucky kids

"Yeah, I think it's so sweet how in love they are. It has them completely oblivious to the rest of the world but it's adorable none the least" I said as we headed out back with the kids who ran around playing together. Our family may be complicated at times, but their ours and I love this crazy bunch

Our daughter has grown into a beautiful woman who's given us two amazing little grandkids even though I'm still nowhere old enough to be called grandma, and she's got another one on the way, so our adventure isn't nearly over yet. We've got two kids of our own to raise, and I'm gonna spend this time enjoying it. I have a feeling we'll have more grandchildren that we can count if it's up to our oldest daughter, but we're ready for whatever life throws our way

Her Daughter (Kensi Blye) UNEDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now