7. Teenage Drama

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Deeks POV

It's been three months since Kens and I made our thing official and in my opinion I'd say things are going great, she's brings out the best in me and we're now thinking about moving into a bigger place together although I'm not so sure how Kylie's going to  feel about that since she barely speaks two words to me.

Fern had just got back from dropping Kylie off at school, she seemed all to egar to hop out of the car, I know for a fact no kid I've ever met is that excited for school

Kensi: is something wrong?

"She doesn't like me does she?" I questioned her

Kensi: what would make you think she doesn't like you?

"To everyone else shes the sweetesr kid, with the most bubbly personality, but when it comes to me aside from polite greetings like good morning or good evening she doesn't speak to me and if I walk into a room she walks out of it." I told her

Kensi: I'll talk to her after school, but I'm sure it's not on purpose, she told me that she doesn't mind having you around. What do you think about callen's big announcement last night? He's going to be a dad

"I think it's great, I'm happy for him and Talia. They'll be great parents" I told her, I couldn't help but think of what it would be like having a little mutant ninja assassin with Fern, I smiled at the thought of it

Kensi's POV

Deeks seemed to have gotten distracted at the mention of being a parent, he sat there smiling while in deep thought, I couldn't help but to wonder what it was all about, but decided against asking.

After dropping Kylie off at school Deeks and I went back to my place where we got dressed for work and headed out together. The team already knew that he and I are dating now, so there's no point in hiding it anymore although that doesn't mean we're bringing our personal relationship to work "Morning guys" we greeted callen and sam before taking our seats

Callen: hey Kens, Deeks. Looks like we're in for the day

"That would be great, we could use a slow day around here" just as I finished my sentence Eric appeared at the top of the stairs blowing a whistle

Sam: looks like you guys spoke too soon

Eric: case on deck 

The guys and I all headed upstairs to be briefed on the case. There was a dead marine on Venice Beach so we headed down to the crime scene. He was shot once to the back of the head execution style. The man was identified as lieutenant Jacob Davis. He has a wife and sixteen year old daughter. Callen sent deeks and I to inform the family while he and sam followed up a lead on the case


Kensi's POV

It was nearing three in the afternoon, the guys and I were all geared up and in persuit of lieutenant Davis' would be killer when he started firing at us. We were chasing him through and alley, so there wasn't much room to take cover. While running after the suspect he fired at me hitting me twice in the chest which resulted in me falling and twisting my ankle, sam took that chance to take him out and luckily for me I wore my vest today, but it still hurt like hell

I tried getting up but my stomach hurt so bad, I couldn't move, Deeks rushed over to me first making sure that I wasn't bleeding, when he tried helping me up the pain to my stomach got even worse

Her Daughter (Kensi Blye) UNEDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now