8. Friends?

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Deeks POV

Once Kensi fell asleep beside me I walked down the hall knocking on Kylie's door to talk, she had me standing there for ten minutes before letting me into her room and even then she was silent

Kylie: what do you want?

"I just wanted to talk and no your mom didn't send me. She feels really terrible about all of this, she didn't meant to make you ever feel unimportant. I know you don't like me, so just think of her" I said

Kylie: ever since you came along she never have time for me anymore and now your having a baby. Where does that leave me?

"You'll never be left out, I hadn't realized how much of her time I took up, or how that would make you feel and I'm sorry. I'm hoping we can move past this and go back to being friends" I suggested

Kylie: I wouldn't have called us friends exactly. You saved my life and we were cool, but I guess we could try this friend thing

"We should have a cool handshake" I suggested

Kylie: one step at a time buddy. I'm going to get started on dinner for the three of us, you could help

"Your mom didn't teach you how to cook did she? If that's the case I think we should order in" I told her

Kylie: mom's a terrible cook. Kara's mom taught me how to make a few things

We headed into the kitchen together and she took out ingredients for spaghetti.🍝 she had me help her make the meatballs and sauce as the pasta boiled then sent me to check on her mom while she finished up. I didn't think talking would work so well, maybe we don't give kids enough credit.

Kylie: your actually pretty cool deeks, maybe we can be friends. Mom says your a pretty decent surfer so can you teach me?

"I would love to. You know your mom and I are moving in together soon and I thought you could help pick out houses, maybe we can find a place near the beach" I suggested

Kylie: I'd like that. I should probably go talk with my mom. I didn't mean to make her feel bad about this whole situation

"I'll go bring her out here, she's probably hungry by now" I informed making my way into kensi's bedroom, she was just waking from her short nap "hey Fern"

Kensi: did I actually hear Kylie speaking to you again? Or am I just imagining things?

"Your a little on the crazy side, but you didn't imagine it. We had a talk then I helped her with dinner. We're cool again and so are the two of you" I assured

Kensi: how did you manage to pull that off?

"I was persistent and apologized which is what she wants to do with you." I told her then helped her out into the living room where I sat her on the couch

Kensi: I feel so helpless

"Well I'm here to help. I'll be in the kitchen if either of you need me" I gave her a kiss before leaving her and Kylie alone to talk things over

Kensi's POV

I was surprised that Deeks got through to my very stubborn child, but happy at the same time. We're about to be an even bigger family and I'm glad she's trying to make this work

Kylie: I'm sorry about before, I'm not upset that your having a baby. I think it's great, I was just.......

"Afraid that you'd fall more into our shadow,......you have nothing to be sorry about. I'm the one who messed up here. I didn't mean to make you feel like I didn't care anymore and I'm sorry, but next time can we just talk instead of pretending nothing's wrong?" I asked

Kylie: that's a great idea, I just didn't want to bother you too much

"Your never bothering me. I'm your mom, I'm always here to talk even if it's the smallest problem" I pulled her in for a hug repeatedly kissing her forehead

Kylie: okay, your smothering me. I love you mommy

"Aaw, you called me mommy. I love you too baby girl. I will always love you"

Kylie: I know, and I'll always love you just as much

I know this is short, I just didn't want to keep you guys waiting too long. Tallen and Densi babies how cute. If you have name suggestions for either baby comment below⬇

Her Daughter (Kensi Blye) UNEDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now