19. Max

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Deeks POV

After three day's stay in the hospital Fern and I were able to take our little man home. Though he's already two weeks old, I still couldn't believe that we created this little guy together, and the love I have for him is never ending. I walked into Max's nursery to see him asleep on his mom's chest as she looked lovingly down on him

 I walked into Max's nursery to see him asleep on his mom's chest as she looked lovingly down on him

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"The little man finally fell asleep?" I asked

Kensi: a while ago, I just love watching him sleep

"I'm sure he loves it too, but you've been in here all morning. Let's get you some lunch while he rests" I offered gently lifting Max off of her and placing him into his crib. We both headed downstairs together, I sent her into the living room while I headed into the kitchen to make us some sandwiches, when I got done I joined her on the couch were she sat in between Wyatt and Kylie

"I thought you'd be asleep, do you two want anything to eat?" I asked

Kylie: we were actually just about to head out for lunch. I figured you two wouldn't mind since your busy with the baby

Kensi: we're not busy, we have plenty of time for you

Kylie: I didn't mean it in that way, I know originally I thought once Max came I'd be history, but I know now that it's not true. He's an infant who needs you for everything and while your busy cuddling with Max Deeks has been helping me with homework, coming to my ballet rehearsals and he makes sure I get to and from school on time. He's been a pretty good dad to me and he makes sure I don't feel neglected so I'm good

Kensi: well I'm sorry if I've been absent from your world these past few weeks and I'm glad you and Deeks are bonding

Kylie: he's awesome, I know we have our differences, but he's been a great dad to me and I love the guy

"I love you too kid, go have fun on your lunch date" I told her

Kylie: it's not a date, we're just friends and I like paying for my own stuff, so can you guys give me some money?

"How very independent of you." I mocked her while handing her a twenty dollar bill from my wallet

Kylie: thank you

She kissed my cheek followed by her mothers before grabbing Wyatt's hand and heading out for lunch

Kensi: she's so unpredictability sweet sometimes, you gotta love that girl

"Yeah, she's a good kid. I know your just dying to talk about our upcoming wedding so let's hear it princess" I stated while moving closer beside her

Kensi: well we both agreed on a beach wedding. I want something small with just family and close friends, and I don't want to wait too long. Four months from now is the anniversary of the day we first met. April sixth if I'm correct

"That you are sunshine, I just didn't think you remembered that date" I confessed

Kensi: I always make a point to remember the good days. Is that date okay for you?

"It's perfect, and I know you love cornflower blue so color is easy, what's left?" I asked

Kensi: we have the song, the location, the colors and the venue for our reception. Our mom's are assisting with everything else, so we should be fine. I can't believe this is actually happening, I never thought I'd ever be this happy again then you came along and changed me for the better. I love you Marty Deeks

"And I love you kensi Marie Blye. Life has been pretty crappy to both of us, but we've got two amazing kids and each other. If I had to got through everything all over again to get to this point with you I'd do it in a heartbeat" I told her

Kensi: so would I

I was about to lean in and place a soft kiss on her lips when we heard Max's cries over the baby monitor. I managed to steal a quick kiss before heading up to get my little guy bringing him downstairs with me

Kensi: do you need me to take him babe?

"I got it, superdad to the rescue. It's okay little man, your with me and everything will be alright" I comforted my little guy holding him close to my bare chest calming him down

 It's okay little man, your with me and everything will be alright" I comforted my little guy holding him close to my bare chest calming him down

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Kensi: superdad's pretty amazing.

"Yeah, something must have woken him because he's still tired" I told her before sitting with him on the couch "oh, someone needs a diaper change and he threw up on himself, babe can you get him a diaper, his wipes and one of those all in one's?

Kensi: sure

She went to get his things then assisted me in changing his diaper and dressing him before he fell peacefully asleep laying on my chest and not long after I started drifting off myself

She went to get his things then assisted me in changing his diaper and dressing him before he fell peacefully asleep laying on my chest and not long after I started drifting off myself

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Kensi: sweet dreams boys

She kissed his head and my cheek before covering us both with a blanket and turning on the TV to America's next top model. 'This day couldn't have been more perfect' I thought to myself while holding my son to my chest. I knew this was just the beginning of many

Her Daughter (Kensi Blye) UNEDITEDOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora