4. Frozen

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Deeks POV

I woke up in pain, the room was dimly lit and over me stood my partner. I don't remember much after the ambulance ride here, but I guess she stayed with me

Kensi: hey

"Hi, ah............oh God this hurts. What happened?" I asked while trying to sit up in the small bed

Kensi: you were shot and the bullet was lodged in your left shoulder so they took you straight into the operating room, the doctor has you on some pretty heavy pain medication, you slept all day yesterday

I turned to see her sleeping daughter in the bed beside mine which made me wonder if she was really okay, it was like kensi could read my mind

Kensi: she has a few fractured ribs but the doctor says she's fine. We were headed home so she could rest but she was in too much pain so I let them keep her overnight. you look like your in pain yourself, do you need me to call the nurse?

"I'm fine" I lied, she took a seat beside me on the bed looking over at Kylie

Kensi: thank you for everything you did for me, you save ky's life yesterday

"You would have done the same for me or my kid if you had one" she smiled

Kensi: I know that I have a lot of explaining to do, but thank you for not pressuring me

"I just figured you'd tell me when your ready even though it's none of my business what's going on in your personal life" I told her

Kensi: It's just Ky and me. I told you how my dad died when I was fifteen, but I left out the part where I ran away from home. I lived on the streets for a while and one night it was raining really hard so I took shelter behind a restaurant and this man came out for a smoke, he saw me there and offered me his coat. I just thought he was being nice, around closing time he came back when I was asleep, all I remembered was feeling him on top of me and I just froze deeks. It's like I was outside of my body watching him do those horrible things to me. I just laid there crying feeling so helpless, when he was done he threw a couple hundred bucks at me and left like I was some kind of prostitute" tears began falling down my fave as deeks wrapped his arm around me and I continued telling him the story "a few weeks later I started feeling so sick, it was weeks of vomiting an nausea until I went to a free clinic and found out that I was already five weeks pregnant, I never told anyone what happened that night, not even Kylie"

"Hey, that was not your fault. You didn't ask for that to happen and freezing up is a normal reaction." I comforted her

Kensi: Not for me, I let that happen. I was so afraid Deeks that I let it happen and I never want to feel that way again.

"You won't ever have to" I hated seeing her this way, my partner doesn't cry and here she is in tears as I held her with my uninjured arm "your safe now, you never have to feel that way again" I assured. We laid together until the sun came up which did take very long since I woke at five.

The guys came in around noon to check in on me. Kylie still hasn't woken up for the day yet. She had a rough day yesterday, I'm happy to see that she's able to sleep well

Sam: this kid must be on some pretty heavy pain medication

Kensi: they didn't give her anything to make her drowsy. She's just lazy, she'd sleep all day if I let her

"The kid had a rough day yesterday, I think she deserves to sleep" I told her

Sam: doctor says you can go home today, but you'll need some help around the house. Is there anyone we can call for you?

"It's just me, I'll be fine on my own. I just want to get out of here" I said, Sam handled the discharge papers while kensi helped me up then woke her sleeping daughter

Kensi's POV

"It's time to go home baby" I lightly shook Kylie waking her from her slumber then managed to help both Kylie and Deeks out of the hospital, guiding them to the car that was now parked out front.

"Okay, let's go home" I told Kylie while strapping on her seat belt. I helped deeks I to the car and drove over to his place while he collected his things then we headed over to my place where he would be staying for a while. I helped him inside and got him settled on the couch as kylie headed into the bathroom for a shower. I ordered pizza and we all ate in a comfortable silence until kylie spoke up

Kylie: I'm going to shower then get dressed for bed

"It's three in the afternoon, baby are you sure your feeling alright" I questioned her

Kylie: I've got a headache, so I figured I'd sleep it off

She picked up a box of pizza and a bottle of soda taking it with her into her bedroom

Deeks: that kid seems to be a junk food addict like a certain partner of mine, but she's not as messy

"Hey! I'm not messy and I'd punch you, but you've only got one arm as it is" I warned and we shared a laugh together "I didn't really get much sleep, so I'm going to bed for a while." I told him them went and got him a blanket and extra pillows "if you need anything else just let me know"

Deeks: Fern, there's one more thing I need before you go

I took a seat beside him on the couch and asked "what?" He just leaned over eliminating the space in between us and pressed his lips to mine which caught me by surprise, but I didn't hesitate. When our lips met it felt almost electric, this was different from that undercover kiss, neither of us we're pretend I g to be someone else and it was amazing to say the least

Deeks: sleep well princess 👸

He smiled at me as I headed into my bedroom closing the door behind me. This weekend was far from perfect, but I couldn't help but to think of it as a start of something amazing

Her Daughter (Kensi Blye) UNEDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now