Chapter 20

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Once Aragorn had composed himself enough to what he believed to be presentable, Aragorn slowly made his way back towards the palace. Though only once Maddie had travelled far enough that she and River were no longer in his line of sight; he could no longer be sure she was safe. And that single thought brought more distress to him than he had ever know something to do. It was once he was by the entrance that he found the rest of the remaining Fellowship - Boromir having been officially disowned by the formed group, of course - as well as Faramir and Théoden. Each looked to be experiencing a form of loss. Aragorn assumed their two Elf companions had heard and seen everything, even from such a long distance, and had retold everything they had seen. Each one of them understood why Maddie had gone on without them, but just like Aragorn, they didn't have to like it. Arwen pulled her love into an embrace, whispering words of reassurance to him. "Now that our dear Ring Bearer has continued on to Mordor, we must do all we can to prepare the armies to defend Gondor" Gandalf declared, knowing he needed to take charge while the others were granted a moment to adjust to the sudden loss of their most vital and loved friend. "My commanders will be training the soldiers, but they will need all the help they can get" Théoden explained, asking they all pitch in to help; Gimli suggested they each handle a section of the army, each based on their preferred weapons. And that was how it was arranged: Legolas and Arwen would manage the archers, Gimli would help each the soldiers that would be overseeing the heavy weaponry, and Faramir and Aragorn would train those who would mostly use their swords. "As much as I'd like to just give you time to...come to terms with Maddie's departure, I'm afraid we cannot spare another minute" Gandalf sighed. Nodding in understanding, they made their way down to where the armies were camped and got started on their duties; Aragorn did his best to concentrate and focus on the soldiers, but as hard as he tried, he couldn't clear his mind. All he could think about was Maddie. Including some of their parting words. "It's time, Aragorn, for you to step up and take your place as King, to command your rightful army before Denethor does something to damage things further and risk everything". She had said it with such confidence and trust; he had never heard such things be spoken when discussing his families royalty connection to Gondor.

The time slowly passed by, turning from hours to days, yet they were all seemingly the same. Filled with soldiers training and practising around the clock all the while the worry and fear of the arrival of the enemy loomed on their minds. It was on the third day when Gandalf summoned every into the throne room late into the middle of the night; Boromir and his father, much to everyone's reluctance, were present. The pairs anger had hit the roof upon learning of Maddie's departure, but at least Boromir had gone along with their plan to prepare the armies for the upcoming battle. Denethor, however, had made as many issues as possible; he pretended it was for the good of Gondor, but truthfully, he felt his position and power was under threat and wished to do whatever he felt needed in order to keep them. He was a very difficult man to handle, that much was for sure, but they managed. "Our enemy is ready, his full strengths gathers" Gandalf declared as they were all present "not only orcs, but men as well, legions of Haradrim from the South, mercenaries from the coast...all will answer Mordor's call" he sighed. "This will be the end of Gondor as we know it" Aragorn stated, motioning towards the map of the city "if the river is taken and the garrison at Osgiliath falls, the last defence of this city will be gone" he pointed to the names places as he glanced around at those present. Humming in agreement, Gimli pointed out how they had The White Wizard of your side "surely that counts for something?" he questioned; they all agreed with the Dwarf, but the wizard himself merely let out yet another sigh "Sauron has yet to reveal his deadliest servant, the one who would lead Mordor's armies in war" he explained, adding how this servant was the one they say no living man can kill "the Witch-King of Angmar" Legolas named, practically spitting out the name like it was poison to the tongue. "If the Witch-King is leading the army, at least it means Maddie won't have an encounter with him" Arwen reasoned. None of them could deny that such a thought brought an ease to their worry for the sixteen year old, yet their concern never left when it came to the young girl. Well...nearly all of them. Boromir and Denethor weren't exactly sick with worry for her.

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