Chapter 28

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All was quiet. From within the city to along the battered landscape of Gondor. The surviving soldiers helped and carried the wounded back into the city where the women could tend to their injuries; they begun collecting those who had fallen in battle, giving them the true burials that they rightfully deserved. By the river they had arrived by, the present fellowship reunited after the battle; Gandalf made his way over to join them, watching as the ghost army came together and rejoined. "Release us" the King of the Dead stepped before the one he and his men followed; Gimli suggested such an idea was a bad one "very handy in a tight spot, these lads, despite the fact they're dead" he reasoned. While he certainly had a point that some might have agreed with, the Ghost King most definitely did not! With a inhuman grown, he made such a fact known "you gave us your word!" he exclaimed, his cold white eyes glaring at Aragorn whom simply nodded in agreement "I hold your oath fulfilled" he declared, his features softening as he noticed the wave of disbelief that crossed upon the ghost's face, along with many of his man sharing similar reactions. "Go, be at peace" he encouraged. All present watched on as the army of the dead began to dissipate into the wind, the green mist vanishing for once and for all. After so long of torment, they could pass on with pride. Turning to his friends, Aragorn's eyes came to rest upon the white wizard; it was a welcoming sight to behold, seeing Gandalf once again after the time they had been apart. Returning his gaze, Gandalf slowly began to bow at the man, of whom felt somewhat overwhelmed by such a sight, but he also felt accomplished. Maddie's parting words came to mind and he realised he had done as she had asked. He had stepped up. He was closer to becoming the King he was to be. That Maddie and his people could be proud of.

With things being taken care of, everyone returned to the city where they could rest and celebrate. The fellowship, however, chose to convene in the thrown room of Minas Tirith; it allowed them to share what they knew and learn of whom they had lost. "My sister is recovering now" Éomer had explained how the King of Rohan was dead and that it was his niece who defeated the Witch King. It was safe to say that all present were shocked by such a revelation. "What about Denethor and Boromir?" Gimli questioned, having noticed the two missing presence that he was expecting to be putting a damper on the mood; the familiar member of the two fell silent, sorrow washing over his face "my father's madness overtook him" Faramir revealed, explaining how he had attempted to start his own traditional burial while he was still breathing. It was a horrifying thought, especially for those who knew a "traditional burial" for one with a high status in  Gondor involved fire! "As for my brother, I am unsure" he finished; all present could hear the worry in the man's voice. In truth, most of them hadn't seen him since Maddie's departure. Turning to those present, Gandalf's face was filled with concern "Maddie has passed beyond my sight" he announced, surprising his company as Arwen glanced to her love "she's reached Mordor?" she realised, earning a grave nod. The wizard shared how he darkness was deepening, something he could feel and see, but Aragorn merely shook his head "if Sauron had the Ring, we would know it" he insisted, unable to believe the possibility that Maddie! He refused! 

"It's only a matter of time" Gandalf, too, hated such an idea, but they had to be realistic "he has suffered a defeat, yes, but behind the walls of Mordor, our enemy is regrouping" he announced. Sitting atop of the Steward's throne, Gimli puffed on his pipe "let him stay there" he stated simply with a shrug "let him rot! Why should we care?" he wondered after the battle they had faced and won. Holding back the urge to roll his eyes, Gandalf turned to the dwarf "because ten thousand orcs now stand between Maddie and Mount Doom!" he stated, his voice and face falling with sorrow as he shook his head to himself "I've sent her to her death". He felt ashamed. He had agreed with Maddie and her plan for her to continue alone; what a terrible mistake he had made. "No" Aragorn shook his head, determined and stubborn; he insisted that there was still hope for Maddie "she needs time, and safe passage across the Plains of Gorgoroth". Turning to the summoned council, Aragorn suggested they draw out Sauron's armies, emptying his lands "then we gather our full strength and march on the Black Gate" he declared; Arwen was already in full agreement of anything that might help her young friend, nodding along as she sat down upon the steps that let to the throne. "We cannot achieve victory through strength of arms" Éomer tried to voice some reason, now having to step into his uncle's large shoes, but Aragorn agreed with his words "but we can give Maddie her chance if we keep Sauron's Eye fixed on us" he stated, glanced to his company "keep him blind to all else that moves". Watching his friend with admiration, Legolas realised what he was suggesting "a diversion" he smirked; Gimli puffed on the pipe in his hand "certainty of death, small chance of success" he pushed himself up from the Stewards throne "what are we waiting for?" he grinned.

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