Chapter 25

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"You may go no further!" Aragorn declared. The corsairs of Umbar had sailed upriver, approaching the shore where the mixture of a man, an Elf and a Dwarf were awaiting their arrival with weapons in hand. "You will not enter Gondor!" the ranger stated, his voice strong and firm. Perfectly fit for a king. A multiple of those aboard shared looks of disbelief and amusement; some even dared to laugh. "Who are you to deny us passage?" their commanded asked. Calling out to his blonde and pointy eared friend, Aragorn never took his eyes off of the commander "fire a warning shot past the bosun's ear" he commanded; Legolas gladly did as he was told, preparing his bow and arrow while Gimli warned him to mind his aim. However, right as he fired, the Dwarf purposely nudged the bow, causing the arrow to hit a pirate square in the chest! As the shot man let out a pained groan and fell to the wooden floor below him, Legolas and Arwen sent the Dwarf a pointed stare while he covered his mouth at his 'mistake' before shaking off his shock. "That's it. We warned you. Prepare to be boarded" Gimli warned. Of course, it didn't sound all concerning, thus the pirates burst of into fits of laughter; they nudged one another, sharing in their amusement " you and whose army?" their commander smirked, speaking as if to entice them to continue. And continue, they gladly did! "This army" Aragorn growled, raising his sword as he began to run straight for the ship, leading the way as the two elves and dwarf happily followed. As he did so, however, the King of the Dead made his appearance, rushing through Aragorn as he led his men in a charge to the ships, yelling out a war cry that his men matched with fury. Frightfully taken by surprise, the sailors laughter turned to fearful screams as they recoiled, shakeably reaching for their weapons in an attempt to defend themselves.

"Fear...the city is rank with it" Gothmog, one lieutenant of the Witch King, grinned menacingly as he stared at the sight of the city of Gondor. He was at the front of the orc army with the other lieutenants, all blood thirsty and ready to take seize the city before them. Turning to one of his fellow lieutenants "let us ease their pain...release the prisoners!" he demanded. The orc, one that had a skull impaled on the top of his helmet, relayed such orders with pleasure. They all watched with glee as the catapults were prepared and piles of debris were thrown over the great walls of Gondor. "Shields up!" the soldiers yelled out, as soon as they saw the catapults start their attack, alerting one another and those within the city to take shelter; they ducked behind their shields and the wall, watching fearfully and with great sorrow as the heads of their fellow fallen soldiers and friends came crashing down to their feet. From the safety of the palace's balcony, however, Denethor watched on with just as much fear "the house of Stewards has failed" he mumbled to himself, shame and horror staining his voice as he watched the catapults begin to fling boulders at the city. He could hear the cries of the people below; he could see them running for cover! Turning to the guards, the Steward yelled at them, ordering for them all to abandon their posts and flee "flee for your lives!" he screamed. Upon hearing this, Gandalf glared at the man before doing the only logical thing he could think of: smacking Denethor over the head with his staff, knocking him out. Watching the man fall to the floor, the wizard turned to the guards who all watched on in shock and awe "someone take him to the dungeon before he gets someone killed" he ordered before glancing back over towards the destructive sight before them all "then prepare for battle".

Mounting his steed, Gandalf rode down through the city and began to rally the troops "pull them in! To the wall! Defend the wall! Return to your posts!" he ordered, trying to undo the damage Denethor had begun; he was grateful to see the soldiers heed his words and do as they were asked. At the top of the wall, Gandalf's eyes glanced out towards the opposing army "send these foul beasts into the abyss!" he declared. Soldiers, well trained and ready, used trebuchets to launch large rocks at the orcs army; the masonry worked in squashing some of the orcs. It was an achievement to see some of the orcs around Gothmog shift fearfully; the named orc, however, was more mad than afraid. "Stay where you are!" he yelled, ordering for them to continue their attack. The catapults and trebuchets continue to fire at the other, taking many out in the process. As Gothmog missed an oncoming bolder by on inch, the Nazgul let out an ear piecing shriek as they flew over the awaiting army and in over the city; they began to tear down the trebuchets, taking out soldiers as they did so. "Hold them back! Do not give in to fear!" Gandalf encouraged the soldiers, ordering them to stay at their posts as they fought back with fear. All of a sudden, trolls were forced forward as they pushed the siege towers to the walls of Minas Tirith; the soldiers of Gondor and Rohan fired their arrows and spears at the towers, only for the wizard to yell out that they needed to aim for the trolls "kill the trolls! Fight them back!". But it was in that moment, however, their circumstances were growing dire as  the battering rams began their assault on the main gates while orcs began to pour out of one of the siege towers and onto the top of the wall! Gandalf rushed to aid the soldiers as they fought against the intruders; weapons clashed and orcs were pushed over the wall, but there was no denying it. The soldiers were outnumbered and overwhelmed, but so long as the gates remain, they had hope. Some hope. Sort of.

"What are you doing, you useless scum?" Gothmog snared at the orc's captain, marching over as he caught sight of something he did not like. The city's gates. They were still standing! They had made a number of attempts to batter down the city gates, from using the trolls slamming into it to a multiple running at it, but alas, they stayed and stood tall! "Get back there and smash it down!" Gothmog demanded, furious as the captain spoke "but nothing can break it" he tried to explain, unsure as to what else they could do to push forward with their attack. Glancing over towards the offending gates, they watched as their fellow orcs fell at the gates; Gondorians aimed and rained arrows down upon their enemy from above, covered with the safety of the wall. "Grond will breach it...bring up the wolf's head" the lieutenant grinned maliciously as he turned back towards his army. Every single orc present began to chant as a great battering ram was pushed through the army by a large number of trolls; they approaching the front, positionally it before pulled and pushed towards the city gates! "Grond! Grond! Grond! Grond!" was all the people of Gondor could hear from within the fearful city; those on top of the wall looked on with worry as they caught sight of the battering ram, feeling its blows beneath their feet as they managed to keep their balance. Watching it attack the gates was uncomfortable, but there was a sense of ease when the gate refused to budge! But that didn't stop the orc's army. They forced the trolls onward, watching them as they pushed and pulled the ram to and from the gates. While the gates were indeed staying up, their strength was beginning to falter after hours upon hours of blows! 

As the gates began to finally break, however, the guards rushed to alert Gandalf of the worrying news; he hurried down through the city on the back of Shadowfax and to the gates, the soldiers of Gondor and Rohan quickly following with their weapons and shields at the ready. "Retreat! The city is breached! To the second level!" the wizard's voice boomed, strong and powerful, as his eyes came to land on the sight of the battering ram; it had caused heavy and irreversible damage and wouldn't protect any longer! Turning to the people of Gondor and Rohan, the wizard called out his orders "get the woman and children out! Get them! Retreat!" he yelled. Not needed to think or be told twice, the soldiers gladly did as they were told, grabbing those in need of help as they continued to suffer heavy casualties as the gate began to fall. From outside, Gothmog nodded with satisfaction "move into the city! Kill all in your path!" he declared with a disturbing glee. With that final word, orcs began to swarm the city, their weapons in hand as they began their brutality, attacking anyone and everyone in sight; Gandalf joined the troops as they fought off the attacks, killing any orc that came close "fight! Fight to the last man! Fight for your lives!" he encouraged, silently praying for a miracle. A strong one that came in the form of a man, a dwarf and two elves. Oh, how he prayed.

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