Chapter 24

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As the never ending travelling continued, night soon followed. It felt to be the only certainty that the young girl knew. But regardless, Maddie was much happier with their camping spot tonight than that from the previous evening; she was able to light a small fire and heat up the last of the soup she had saved along the journey. Not to mention sleeping on a dry surface was far better than the marshes! However, it was while the girl slept late into the night that something interesting happened. Gollum, wide awake and sat away from the girl, was seeming to fight with himself. "We wants it, we needs it! Must have the Precious" he growled, insisting how 'they' had stolen it from them "wicked, tricksy, false!" he spat. But just as much and as quick as he was hating the sleeping girl, his expression softened as he shook his head "Mistress's my friend" Sméagol stated, smiling to himself at such a thought. A friend! After such a long and lonesome time! Gollum took control and made a point as to roll his eyes "you don't have any friends - nobody likes you" he taunted harshly. Poor Sméagol covered his ears, insisting that he was not listening; the sight was familiar to that of a child. "You're a liar and a thief! Murderer!" Gollum jabbed, his mean words earning an unthinking reaction as Sméagol snapped "go away!" he exclaimed. Such a demand only worked in making Gollum laugh as he repeated his other self's words "I hate you! I hate you!" Sméagol wept; the spiteful creature just continued to laugh "where would you be without me?" he asked, insisting that he had saved them "we survived because of me!" he sniped. "Not any more" Sméagol declared, shaking his head to himself. Silence fell upon the two while they both processed that last sentence. Gollum was the first to eventually speak "what did you say?" he asked, his voice dangerously calm with a boiling rage; Sméagol mustered up the courage he had needed for quite some time "Mistress looks after us now" he stated firmly, adding "we don't need you" as he nodded as if to agree to his words. "What?" Gollum's voice was heated with such a rage and anger, but it did not stop Sméagol as he smiled to himself "leave now and never come back" he instructed, standing up for himself for the first time in an exceptionally long time. "No!" Gollum snapped, growling at his other self who repeated his previous demand emphatically. Sméagol was panting, as if he had ran for ten minutes straight and had only just stopped, while he looked around upon hearing no further response. He realised, much to his own shock, that Gollum was gone! After all of the years of torment and abuse, it was over! Pure joy and excitement overtook the creature as continued to glance around "we told him to go away! And away he goes, Precious!" he exclaimed with happiness "Sméagol is free!" he smiled.

The time of sunrise arrived and lit up the sky in the early morning. Maddie felt herself awake from the growing brightness, yawning tiredly as she reluctantly opened her eyes; she sat up and stretched her arms tiredly, listening as a series of cracks and pops could be heard coming from her poor back. All the while glancing around at her surroundings. It was in that moment, however, that she realised that she was completely alone. "Sméagol? Sméagol!" she called out, worry staining her voice as she began to push herself up to stand; she was forced back down onto her bedroll when, suddenly, something was forcefully dumped in her lap. "Look! Look! See what Sméagol finds!" the once missing creature chirped as he stopped beside the startled teenager; Maddie calmed her racing heart as she sent her guide a smile, glancing back down to her lap as she grimly realised that he had gifted her two dead rabbits. "Oh! How...lovely" she forced a smile, watching as he took one of the rabbits up and suddenly...broke its spine! The crack was horrific and Maddie was certain the soup she had enjoyed the night before was trying to make an appearance once again. Thank God she managed to settle her stomach. "They are young! They are tender and nice! Yes, they are! Eat them!" he insisted, holding the rabbit out for the human. The young girl was quick to lean out of reach while kindly thanking Sméagol for his generosity. However, she continued to explain how she could not eat the rabbit as it was or else, she would fall ill. That was the last thing they needed right now. "Tell you what, you eat this one" Maddie gently pushed the offered rabbit back into Sméagol's hand before picking up the other that was in her lap "and I'll sort the fire so I can cook and eat this one" she smiled.

Sméagol sat patiently as he watched the sixteen-year-old relight the fight from the night before, then as she began gutting and preparing her rabbit; he asked questions every step of the way, confused as to what she was doing. The process of cooking the poor adorable creature was not pleasant, but it was both needed and appreciated when she tucked into her odd breakfast and found it quite delicious. "Well, I'll never be able to have a pet rabbit now" she stated, earning a laugh from the creature of whom found her words hilarious; the laughter was infectious and the girl couldn't stop the chuckle that escaped her lips. The pair finished off their food quickly. It was while she was putting out the fire, however, that a sudden noise caught the girl's attention; she grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulder as she hurried in the direction of the source with Sméagol fast on her tail. Reaching the top of a small cliff, they lay down and peeked over the edge to find yet another army of the Easterlings as they marched passed. Sméagol cowered away "wicked men; servants of Sauron" he declared, catching the girl's attention as she asked where they were going "they are called to Mordor" he explained how the Dark One was gathering all armies to him. "Then that means...they're all going to Gondor!" Maddie realised, her worry spiking as her thoughts fell upon her dear friends who were preparing for the upcoming war that was to come. "We've got to keep moving" the young girl insisted, only to find herself unable to move forward as the creature pulled her back down; he pointed over to the passing army, not missing the mixture of shock and horror that passed by her face as she followed the direction he was aiming. Large beasts began to appear through the tall trees! She had seen drawings of such creatures; they were known as Oliphants, but never did she think she would ever see one! Let alone several! "We'll wait till they've passed, then continue to Mordor" Maddie decided with a sigh as she sat down, making sure to be out of sight as she made herself comfortable.

Such a plan took a while, but the wait was worth it as the pair managed to sneak passed the army once they had marched on; they hurried on and continued walking for hours upon hours. Maddie did experience a worrying dilemma, however, as she rummaged through her bag for some lunch; she realised just how little left of food she had, worrying if she would have enough to make it to the end of her quest. 'I just need enough to make it to Mount Doom where I can destroy the ring' she thought to herself with a small sense of sadness 'I wish...' she stopped herself from thinking on, knowing it would worsen her mood. "Come on, Mistress! Very close now! Very close to Mordor!" Sméagol declared, snapping her out of her thoughts; he insisted on how there were no safe places for them now, thus they needed to hurry! The young girl merely nodded her head and did as she was told, following her guide as she rubbed at her sore sides. Her body was really beginning to hurt and ache from all its recent treatment of climbing, falling, sleeping on a hard floor and so on. She was covered in cuts, scrapes, and bruises, but she knew there were more to come. But it was as they found themselves approaching Minas Morgul, however, that the sight before them forced the pair to come to a stop. A green light surrounded the dark city before them; Maddie could not take her eyes off it as they hid away at the side of the long road that led to the city. "The Dead City...very nasty place...full of enemies" Sméagol revealed before motioning the girl to follow as he led them closer to the side of the road "quick! Quick! They will see! Come away!" he pulled at the girl's arm, pointing over towards a long, steep staircase that was set into the rock which was well hidden away.

"Look! We have found it, the way into Mordor! The secret stairs! Now climb!" he instructed. While Maddie indeed felt joy as she saw the staircase for herself, she could not help but feel her attention turn back towards the road; she was about to step out and onto it, only to be yanked back as Sméagol pulled her away, insisting they needed to go. Snapping out of her strange trance, Maddie quickly followed her guide as they ran over and began their climb up the stairs, but as they managed to overcome only three steps, their eyes shot over to the city once more as a bright mixture of blue and green light erupted from its centre, shooting up into the sky far beyond the darkened clouds. "There's more of them!" Maddie exclaimed as she watched an army of Orcs exit the Dead City, marching forth down the path that she knew with little doubt would lead them to Gondor. To her friends. But her horror only intensified, however, as she watched a figure emerge from the city also, mounted on a large flying beast that sent a shock of fear to pass through her. It only takes a few seconds for Maddie to realise that the figure she was staring at with fear and terror was the one she needed to worry about the most: The Witch King! "Hurry Mistress! We climb! We must climb!" Sméagol pleaded as he tugged on the girl's cloak, pulling and pushing her once more to continue before they had a chance to be seen. The girl hurried to follow, sparing one final glance over her shoulder to watch as The Witch King and his army marched onwards.

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