Chapter 5

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Upon their return to the council, Maddie returned to her seat as Lord Elrond apologized if they made her feel uncomfortable; she merely sent him a small smile with a nod "the ring needs to be destroyed for the sake of Middle Earth...I can hardly argue against that" she shrugged. Glad that the fifteen year old was finally seeing things from their point of view, Lord Elrond resumed the meeting once everyone was seated. "The One ring must be taken deep into Mordor and cast back into the fire chasm from once it came" the elf returned to the topic at hand, explaining how one of the present members of the council must do it. Silence fell upon the room as they fell into their thoughts before Boromir, rubbing his forehead, spoke up "one does not simply walk into Mordor" he stated, explaining how it's black gates were guarded by more than just orcs "there is evil there that does not sleep and the great eye is ever watchful" he warned "tis a barren wasteland, riddled with fire and ash and dust where the very air you breathe a poisonous fume". Shaking his head, Boromir announced that the task could not be done, not even with ten thousand men "it is folly!" he stated, Legolas rose from his seat in an instant, anger and impatience for the man as clear as day "have you heard nothing Lord Elrond just said?! The ring must be destroyed!" he exclaimed, glancing around at his fellow council members. "And I suppose you think you're the one to do it?!" Gimli assumed, his own voice tainted with announced. Boromir rolled his eyes as he climbed to his feet, asking what they were to do if they fail? "What happens when Sauron takes back what is his?!" he snapped; Gimli quickly followed the elf and man as he jumped to his feet "I will be dead before I see the ring in the hands of an elf!" he spat. Right before Maddie's eyes, the room erupted into a series of insults, yells, questions and arguments. Nearly all were up on their feet. Most fought and argue while others tried to calm the situation. Aragorn and Lord Elrond remained in their seats, watching tiredly as the scene unravelled before them; Gandalf rolled his eyes before standing, joining in the loud voices as an attempt to make them all see reason. Maddie, however, had fallen deep within her thoughts and ignored the mess that surrounded her; she reached down and grasped the ring, staring down upon it for a few seconds as she remembered the promise she made to her parents at the age of five years old. It confused her at the time and ever since, that was until now. She swore to do what was right when the correct time came. Were they talking about this? About destroying the ring? Even after they had told her to protect it?

With her mind made up, Maddie pushed herself up from her seat "I will take it!" she declared, yet her words fell upon deaf ears; she stepped forward, more in the centre of the room as the arguing continued. "I will take it!" she yelled, being sure to be louder than before. Upon hearing her words, the room slowly fell silent as eyes turned to look upon the teenager. There were looks that showed doubt, others being that of pride. And then there were a few that showed concern. "I will take the ring to Mordor" Maddie repeated, able to speak more calmly now that the room was quiet and the attention was on her; she looked around to each, allowing to ease her racing heart "but I do not know the way" the fifteen year old explained. The first thing they all did was try to change the teenager's mind. There were explanations as to how dangerous the quest would be to how long it would take; there were even a few brave souls who attempted to forbid the girl from taking the ring to Mordor at all. That last one made the young girl raise a brow "my decision is final" Maddie firmly stated, her voice unhinged as she explained how she would be taking the ring to Mordor either with or without their help "but without, I fear I will fail and all of Middle Earth will suffer for it". Even as he smiled down at the willing volunteer, there was still a slight hint of sadness within Gandalf's features as he stepped to stand beside the girl "I will help you bear this burden, Maddie Hunter, so long it is yours to bear" he promised. Aragorn was the next to speak, having risen from his seat for the first time since her return "if by my life or death, I can protect you...I will" he himself promised. The ranger approached and knelt before his young friend, gently grasping her hands with his own "you have my sword" he smiled; Maddie felt a wave of relief wash over her to hear Aragorn say such a thing, having bluffed somewhat when she said she would travel to Mordor without them. "And you have my bow!" Legolas declared, coming to stand with the girl as he sent her a reassuring smile; Gimli followed suit, stating "and my axe!" as he joined the forming group. Of course, the elf and dwarf sent sly side eyes to one another, clearing not enjoying the thought of travelling together even more than they had already done. The only reason they had was because of their friendship to Aragorn. Stepping forth, Boromir stared at the girl with a look of uncertainty, but not for the quest, but for her. "You carry the fate of us all, little one" the man stated, earning a raised brow from the teenager; Maddie returned the stare, waiting to see what he was to say "if this is indeed the will of the council, then Gondor will see it done" he assured. Speaking up for the first time since she herself had returned to the council, Arwen placed her hand on the teenager's shoulder "I will come with you also and aid you in your mission" she stated, only for her father, who was now wide eyed, exclaim how she would be doing no such thing "I am of age to do as I wish, ada" she argued calmly "if Maddie is to go, then as will I". Lord Elrond appeared to be furious by this decision and all but stormed out, to which his daughter followed; Arwen did not wish to leave on bad terms with her father.

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